Chapter 36

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It was quite foggy the next morning

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It was quite foggy the next morning. The clouds sat low in the sky, and the breeze gave off a freezing chill. It was almost as if the weather was matching how each champion was feeling. The champions were led to the stadium early in the morning, allowing them to change into their respective uniforms before the rest of their classmates took their seats to watch the First Task. Castor emerged from her own sectioned off area of the Champion's tent, seeing that the other's had changed into their uniforms as well. Fleur's uniform was a pale blue and silver tracksuit, matching the color of her robes for Beauxbatons. Krum's uniform was a simple grey shirt with the Durmstrang crest and black pants. The Hogwarts champion uniforms were adorned with their house colors of red, yellow, and blue, paired with bold black lines. Each champion was also given a holster for their wand.

Harry was pacing around the tent, wringing his hands nervously. Cedric was doing the same, though he looked like he was mentally preparing himself for the first challenge. Castor, however, sat at the table in the middle of the room, sipping at a lukewarm cup of tea. The cold winter air had chilled it faster than she thought it would, but it was still better than nothing. She could hear the excited chatter of students taking their seats, as well as the commentary of Professor Dumbledore and Ludo Bagman. Harry was still pacing, occasionally sending her glances of worry, nervousness, and incredulity at her calm composure. Castor kept sipping her tea, hoping the peppermint would calm her down a bit. She wouldn't tell him that she felt like she would be sick every time she thought about the fact that she was about to face a dragon with no plan whatsoever.

"Psst!" Harry's eyes looked around the tent, wondering who was trying to get his attention. "Psst! Harry! Is that you?" It was coming from the other side of the tent.

"Yea." He whispered back.

"How are you feeling? Okay?" Hermione's voice shook. She was obviously nervous for him, but she was still trying to remain positive for his sake. When Harry didn't respond right away, she continued. "The key is to concentrate. After that you just have to-"

"Battle a dragon." He finished. Without warning, Hermione had pulled aside the flaps of the tent and launch herself into his arms, squeezing his tightly. There was a bright flash and the smacking of gum that disrupted the hug between friends, and if Castor's loud noise of distaste was anything to go by, Harry knew exactly who had just entered the tent as well.

"Young love." Rita swooned as she walked into tent. "How...stirring." She pointed to her floating pen, her camera man smirking in agreement as she moved her head about excitedly. "If everything goes unfortunately today, you two make even make the front page."

Castor made a dramatic show of gagging behind her, causing Cedric to laugh lightly. The dark haired witch put on a sudden air of poise when Rita whirled around to face her.

"And you? Is there any romance on the horizon for our Ravenclaw champion?" Rita's heels clicked on the hardwood of the tent beneath her as she moved closer into Castor's space.

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