Chapter 15

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This whole week I've been filled with dread. A deep sense of foreboding. I don't know why and no matter what I do I can't shake the feeling. Even the boys have noticed my behavior and while they don't outright say it, I know they are worried about me. I hear the doorbell chime and I perk up from my slump in my bed. We never get visitors. Like ever.

I pull on some pants and tiptoe down the stairs just to get a glimpse of who it is. "Avery?!" I couldn't stop myself from saying his name. Avery Mc-fucking-Cane. I hate him.

"Dillion Sentinel, long time no see. I guess the rumors are true then." Avery says smugly and my sneer deepens. Solar looks between the both of us confused.

"Y'all know each other?" He asks the obvious and I continue glaring at Avery. Even though he's 5'2, he's still annoying as hell. I guess for what he lacks in height, he makes up in idiocy.

"Unfortunately." I grumble out, moving further down the stairs.

"Aw, Dillion don't be that way." Avery's annoying voice says and I take a deep breath.

"Why are you even here? Mommy and Daddy got tired of putting up with you?" I sneer and I see his face drops at the mention of his parents. Usually seeing him like this will make me feel good, but now for some reason this deep hurt he displays makes me feel guilty at my words.

"Well they died a few weeks ago. Car crash. No one wanted me and I had a mental breakdown, so the state shipped me here." He trys to sound nonchalant, but I know he's actually hurting.

"Oh, I'm sorry Avery." I move over to him, pulling him into my arms.

"It's not your fault." He looks aways shyly, and I pull away from him.

"You'll like it here. Solar and the other boys are nice. I'm sure you'll fit right in." I try and comfort him. I've never been good with words.

"Okay." Avery nods, turning back to Solar, who just watched the scene unfold silently.

"Follow me and I'll show you to your room." Solar says and Avery trails behind him, eyes trained on the ground as he passes me. Solar carrying both of his suitcases up the stairs as if it weighs nothing.

It's always been a competition with Avery since he arrived to my town in middle school. His family is the only one who almost matches my family in wealth and no matter what I did, he was always seen as the Golden child of the town. An angel, but Avery is the furthest thing from an angel. Avery compared to all the other boys in this house would be considered a demon, but me, I'm something much worst. So as much as Avery likes to tease me and push my buttons, he knows when to stop as well, because all it takes is one snap of my fingers and he'll cease to exist.

I'm not bragging, just stating facts. I do regular teenager things, like prank principals and make out in janitors closets, but I also do some rather illegal things. Avery just does the illegal things.


I wasn't expecting Dillion to be at this home. I mean I knew he was at a home, I just didn't think it would be the one I'm being sent to. I've been in love with Dillion Sentinel for 7 years and he has yet to notice me, but he held me in his arms when I told him my pitiful story. If I knew this was the reaction I would get from him, I would've killed those bastards sooner. My parents, if you can even call them that, were not good people.

They beat me, tore me down at every chance they could. Telling me how I'm a McCane and that McCane men aren't submissives. McCane men aren't weak, but I proved them wrong. Here I am alive, while they're buried in a ditch somewhere. Before I met Dillion I endured their torture because I was only but a child. I was feeble. Clumsy. Hoping that eventually they would change. Then we moved towns and I met Dillion. My parents always compared me to him. Dillion is a dominant, commanding attention without even trying and my parents made sure to tell me everyday how much of a disappointment I was. I wanted to hate him, I wanted to hurt him, because in my mind he had the life I wanted, but I couldn't.

The first time I met him, my body was in pain from the harsh beating I endured from my father, but I pushed through it because my mother wanted to finally greet the neighbors properly. It's been 2 months and now is the time to introduce ourselves, and Shirley McCane always got what she wanted.

Of course we started at Dillion's house. He was what my parents always wanted in a son anyways. When my father, Hector McCane, knocked, it opened to a large bald man, whose name I paid no mind to because the boy who stood behind him, called out to me like a siren did to drunken pirates. The boy looked cold, mean, but when his eyes snapped to mine, they looked over me. He looked at me as if he could tell that I was in pain, that my whole body ached.

My parents introduced themselves in their fake hospitality voice, but I paid it not mimd. He was still staring into my soul with his dark green eyes. At this point, it felt like only him and I existed. Before I could speak, he walked away from the door, with my heart in his hands. I felt rejected, which was silly, but that's how I felt. My inner submissive calling out for him. Calling for him to come back. Asking for his forgiveness, I had no clue why, but that's just how it was.

That night I vowed to make him notice me, at first I started small. I would try to approach him, but he always looked so... so... emotionless. He looked like a robot. Then when I finally gathered up the courage to talk to him, his eyes would pierce through mine and I would chicken out. Eventually I grew angry at myself and that pushed over to him and he responded. He finally responded. He finally gave me some kind of emotion, even though it was annoyance, it was still better than nothing, so I continued. Teasing him became a drug to me. Seeing his eyebrows furrow together or receiving a sharp lashing from his tongue, always made my heart race and my cock harden. The way he commanded me, hell even the way he ignored me, turned me on to impossible heights.

I pull out of my head, looking around at the bare room. I'm finally free. I only stayed so long under their rule because of Dillion, so when Dillion left so did all my sanity. So did all my sense of purpose. So I fiddled with their breaks and well they died. At first I felt nothing but relief, then sadness, not over them, but because I'd have no where to go. I refused to go to any relative of mine and they refused to take me in. Now I am here. I am with him again. I know he'll take care of me.

Call me crazy, but I've been Dillion's for forever, even if he doesn't know it himself.

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