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"Ms. Kwon, you're lucky you didn't completely twist your ankle in those high heels. I've prescribed you with pain killer and something to reduce the swelling. Just avoid strenous activities while your ankle heals," the doctor said.

I smiled and thanked him while grabbing the prescription he was handing me.

"So.. she's good to go?" Taehyung asked him with a worried expression on his face.

"Oh, most definitely. She's lucky to have such a caring boyfriend," the doctor chuckled. "Just make sure your girlfriend doesn't put any weight on the affected ankle."

His eyes went wide at the doctor's assumption, looking at me then back at him.

"We're.. we're not--"

"Take care of her, okay?" He laid a hand on Taehyung's shoulder and turned to me, giving me a smile before sliding the curtain that was dividing us from other beds and leaving to attend another patient.

I returned a smile as I watched him walk away. Taehyung cleared his throat as he scratched the back of his neck, shifting glances all around the emergency room.

A chuckle left my lips at his current behavior. He briefly ran his fingers on his fluffy, curly hair.

"I.. um.. I-I guess I should take you home," he suggested.


The car ride home was mostly silent. It was around 2:45am already and the streets of Seoul was peaceful compared to its busy hours. My eyes just wandered the streets when I noticed bright headlights reflecting on the rearview mirror. 

Taehyung made a turn and the same vehicle behind us followed our direction. We were already nearing my apartment when it suddenly parked on the side, keeping a safe distance from us and the entrance to my apartment building.

Hitting the brakes and cranking the hand brake, Taehyung turned towards me. My eyes didn't leave the rearview mirror as I examined the mysterious vehicle. He noticed my uneasiness and looked behind us.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, looking back at me.

Continuing to glare at the vehicle through the rearview mirror, I slowly slid down lower on the passenger's seat, concealing myself from view.

"I think I'm being followed," I murmured.

Raising his eyebrows, Taehyung turned back to look at the vehicle. He decided to undo the hand brake and start the engine then began to drive, checking the rearview mirror for any suspicious reaction from the vehicle. Not even a few meters away from my apartment building, their headlights lit up signaling that they started the van too.

Taehyung decided to take a random turn when they also chose to turn to the same direction as we did.

My heart started to race as I kept sneaking a peek at the back, not believing that I was really being followed at this hour. 

"I can't go home," I muttered, fear lacing my voice.

Taehyung glanced at me and then back at the road. I could still make out the bright lights from the other vehicle, meaning they were still tailing us.

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration. Why did I have to be followed all the time? Sometimes, I wished I was just a normal person who could just go around without the fear of being mobbed by fans or paparazzi.

We have been driving around for a while, trying to lose the tailing vehicle. I was growing tired and I'm sure Taehyung was too. This was like an unending game of cat and mouse.

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