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Part One of Two: Alternate Realities


Warning: Comedy Slight Smut-what is wrong with me-

Voltron was on an abandoned planet, looking for lone survivors. They wore their armor and had their bayards out, looking at every spot. Well, Lance was staring at Keith's ass but that was besides the point. They were focused. Except for Lance day-dreaming about running his fingers through Keith's mullet. Yes, Mullet. And the thought going through his head,you know, that moment when your staring at your best bro/rival's ass and you think, "But, I'm not gay, I? Hmmm."

Then, they heard a crash and Allura over the intercom telling them frantically not to go tot he site. There was fog everywhere and they couldn't see a damn thing but they could hear a voice of an adult.

"Fucking wormholes, where is everyone? Shiro? Pidge? Hunky? 'Lura? Rommmmy? WAIT-KEITH" BABE-?" Keith heard the voice and felt his heart warm, it sounded like Lance, but it was weird that the man knew their names. Pidge scoffed,"We are the paladins of Voltron , Keith." 

Oh, he said it out loud.

Did he say the part about Lance out loud too?

Pidge laughed,"Yeah, but he didn't notice." 

A figure stepped out of the fog and Keith's....everything stopped. He was ded. The man was tan and had a buzz cut hair cut and blue eyes with a few small scars on his slightly built arms and cheeks. Since Keith was staring at him a ton, he noticed the tiniest hairs of a beard on his chin.

Lance's eyes widened as he saw the similarities when the man opened his blue eyes, the same ones when he stared at himself for two hours in the morning. "W-Who are you." The man's eyes widened seeing the paladins and his mouth dropped open. He then crossed his arms and started to realize what was happening. He nodded then grinned, fully knowing what was going on and not telling anyone. Lance scrunched up his nose as everyone started to crowd the man with questions, and realized the man was staring at Keith and vice versa. "Man, you are hideous. What kind of perfect-er bad skin care is that? And the gorge-hideous hair I have ever seen except for Keith's mullet and the outfit choice is disappointing. Who the hell are you?" 

He was wearing the blue paladin armor.

The man raised his eyebrow and sorta smiled when seeing him,"I'm older you, Lance." The paladins giggled and Keith's mouth dropped to the ground  as Lance continued to stare at him,"N-No wonder you're such a handsome devil."

It was all extraordinary seeing older Lance, especially for Keith staring at the ring on his left hand. Who was married to Lance. The paladins continued to ask questions and Lance approached his older self," So, me, tell me, is there a future Mrs.Blue Lion, ha, why wouldn't there be-" Lance just laughed it off, "Wait till you find out about that-" He was cut off by another voice,"Lance?" Older Lance's eye widened,"Shit."

A man with sorta long hair came out wearing the red paladin armor, and when he took off the helmet, everyone knew it was Keith, the only difference being the slightly longer hair and scar on his cheek. "Lance, what-Oh....this is happening again." Shiro raised his eyebrow,"Again?" Keith scanned the crowd of the younger selves,"Yup, you'll see in a second. Let me just get Pidge and see what is going on." He walked off and Lance knew for sure it was Keith by the ass he had  not been staring at.

Eventually, everyone met their counterparts. Pidge was excited, Hunk was surprised and nervous, Shiro was numb, Keith was staring at Older hot Lance and Lance was staring at Older hot Keith. Shiro was thinking to himself,"So basically, you all went through a wormhole and something went wrong while you guys crashed and found yourselves here, perfectly uninjured and fine and we can't keep you here because Lance is destined to say something that will reveal the future and kill us all because we aren't supposed to know the future since we might ruin it.  Am I right?" Older, completely white-haired, a floating prosthetic arm Shiro chuckled,"I was pretty sharp back then huh." Older Pidge nudged her younger self and they giggled,"Not anymore."

Lance frowned,"So I can't know who Mrs.Future Blue Lion is?" He grabbed his counter-self's left hand and examined the wedding ring. Only Pidge and Shiro noticed that Older Keith was hiding his left hand under the table.

Older Lance just winked,"Not yet." Older Keith rolled his eyes,"You mean never, Lance. They can't know anything till the future comes. Older Lance huffed and looked away too dramatically.

Older Pidge got up,"I'm gonna try and get to contact with Allura at the Castle, Pidge, Hunk and Past Hunk, come join me. I need all the brains I can get, which is why Lance isn't coming." She glared at them,"Neither one of you two."


It had been a few weeks, everyone sorta getting used to the whole thing. What was weird was that the future generation was chill about it. Or well, that's what Keith was thinking as he walked down the hall to himself alone. Why were they so chill? What was going on? What progress has the Punk quartet had? Who was Lance married t-?
His thoughts were cut off by a hand grabbing him and Keith's immediate reaction was to kick behind him, but he saw blue eyes and missed. Lance grabbed his waist and pinned him to the wall, pressing a finger to his lips. Keith's gay heart was pounding as his crush was pinning him with pink cheeks he didn't notice in the dark. Lance had come to terms of him being bi during the weeks everyone was there and he was getting used to it.

Lance pulled away, but didn't exactly stop pinning him to the wall," Listen, there is something going on about older us. They're being really weird, looking each other distantly and acted like they wanted to talk and be together more often. I noticed this since from the first day and I've come to one logical conclusion." His cheeks were now visibly pink but then paled.

"Older us formed a blood pact and committed murder."

Keith was not being pinned to a wall by his blue-eyes crush for this. He pushed his away half-gently, half-softly and Lance turned red at the fact he had still been pinning him. "What the hell kind of logic is that. Is that all you could come up with?" Lance crossed his arms,"Do you have a better idea? Anyways, I think we should spy on them, come on." He grabbed his hand and ran through the entire Castle, looking everywhere for the two. But they were missing. Lance hissed at Keith,"I told you." Keith's face was red from running and holding Lance's hand. "Shut up, lets just go to your room and think clearly." They did, but they opened the door slightly when they heard muffled voices. Older Keith and Lance were in there talking.

Lance was sitting on the nightstand and Keith was across from him, his back facing him Lance and Keith who were watching saw that Keith had his hair brushed back neatly and the two front heads of his hair was pinned back by a black hair pin. Lance sighed dreamily and Older Lance spoke first,"We can't let them find's too dangerous." Keith sighed,"Younger you is getting suspicious. He might be on the right track. Imagine who they would feel if they found out at the state they are in now...they would be scared and nervous." Lance nodded"It would be murderous." Keith's face darkened,"Like we are..."

Lance and Keith resisted their gasps and Lance turned to Keith mouthing I-told-you-so.

Lance bit his lip,"We can't even do anything or say anything together..." Keith turned and around and smiled, then to the stifled screams of the younger versions, he walked up to him and put his hands on his hips and brushed their lips, glancing at the door and saying it loud enough for them to hear,"Except when we're alone, right?" Lance smirked and mumbled a small yeah before kissing him softly. Then they started to open their mouths and the boys closed their eyes, whimpering. The men didn't realize they were alone till Keith's hand started to travel up Lance's body and young Lance screamed, "STOP STOP, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! I'M SORRY FOR THINKING YOU MURDERED SOMEONE!! JUST PLEASE SAVE IT FOR LATER!!! YOU JUST USED MURDEROUS TO DESCRIBE OUR RIVALRY DIDN'T YOU?!" Keith watched them and laughed,"Rivalry? I had the biggest crush on you, Lance." Lance's mouth dropped open and he stared at Keith, who was staring to walk out the door then almost literally passed out. Lance laughed too and leaned on Keith's shoulder,"Aww, Keithy, babe. You had a crush on me?" Keith smirked,"We're married, Lance." Lance himself almost gave out and picked up Keith's practically lifeless body. "I-I gotta go." Lance giggled and shut the door behind them, then turned around and looked at Keith, panicked,"You don't remember telling them about Alex and Sophie, right? We can never tell them about out kids."


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