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sillie looked up, letting out a gasp

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sillie looked up, letting out a gasp. "isaac!" she ran up to the medics, isaac, and... braeden. she pause, staring at her. "holy shit, braeden?"

"sillie," isaac gasped out.

"hey, wait- wait a minute," melissa exclaimed, joining sillie. she nodded at isaac, "we know this one. what happened, isaac?"

"sillie?" braeden asked, clearly not thinking right by the way her head moved and the size of her pupils.

"hey." she nodded. she took a moment before grabbing the woman's hand. "what happened? you saved isaac?"

braeden nodded. "i... find him..."

"what?" sillie asked. "braeden, find who?"

"i have to find him."


"i have to... i have to tell him. sillie, y... have to tell him..."

"tell who?" sillie urged. "braeden, talk to me. tell who?"

"the alpha. find the alpha."

sillie furrowed her eyebrows. "derek hale?"

"no..." braeden shook her head.

"sillie, get over here!" melissa called, gesturing to isaac. 

"i... hold on, braeden." sillie ran over to isaac, walking next to his gurney.

"ok, let's get here out of here," the medic said, bring braeden elsewhere.

braeden said something sillie didn't catch, isaac squeezing her hand.

"is-is she ok? is the girl ok?" he asked.

"she will be," sillie promised. "isaac, what the hell happened? did you find them? boyd and erica, did you find them?"

he shook his head. "i can't-... i can't remember." he groaned in pain.

sillie tightened her hand on his, taking his pain.


"yeah. yeah, that's healing, visibly," melissa confirmed. "wow."

"good, at least he's healing on the outside."

"what does that mean?" isaac worried.

"you're not healing on the inside, but i'll figure it out, don't worry," sillie assured.

he gulped.

melissa sighed. "they can't see this. nobody can see this."

"alright, cover-cover it up," isaac said.

"i-i don't think that's gonna matter," melissa told him, putting the bandage back onto the claw marks on his stomach. "i mean, you're scheduled for surgery, which is obviously gonna be very confusing for a lot of people."

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