Necromancer info

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Necromancers are a race that are immortal and have a weakness for artichoke hearts (no one knows why) They have to eat a heart (any kind) at least once a month, for health reasons

Necromancers can revive, control and speak through the dead, they are also capable of speaking/seeing spirits. Necromancers are a relative of witches, druids, and creators of vampires. Necromancers tend to have magic.

Necromancers' eyes are white because they have a slight sensitivity to light, the white eyes reflect the light so it doesn't bother them that much. They tend to grow lots of plants and mushrooms, able to do anything a witch, and druids are able to do.

Necromancers tend to surround themselves with living plants and animals, along with many, many, many dead things. They also work closely with Banshees, and other creatures that are associated with death.

They also tend to be anti-social, around people they don't know, it's a common factor among these creatures of death. However, Necromancers tend to be extremely unpredictable, but tend to lean on a side, (good, evil or neutral). These creatures are also nomads, constantly moving around, and extremely patient and observant but they tend to get anxious at times, often earning themselves a hobby or two to keep them distracted. Necromancers also have incredible singing voices, able to lure others to be slaughtered or drive them slowly crazy, having their victim kill themselves or others. They also have inhuman strength and speed. They can also grow their nails, becoming long and razor sharp.

Weaknesses: Artichoke hearts (won't kill, just makes them sick) , holy things (depending on good or bad, if you are good, it only injures not kill. If you are bad, it will kill you. For Neutrals, holy things can injure them, if injuries are bad enough, they will die. they however, will not flat out die from holy things)

Necromancers have one or multiple mates (depending on the person) it is not uncommon to have multiple mates. They can only reproduce with their mate, even if they are a vampire.

Necromancer's are creators of vampires so that when/if they find their human mate, they are able to turn them so they can be together forever.

Vampires hold Necromancers in very high regards

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