Love is all around

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Ivory's POV

I was screaming in pain. This was hurting more then I had expected. I knew the pain was going to be painful but I never thought of this unimaginable pain that I was feeling. When I first lived with angels I saw the mother always hold the father's hand.

I had no hand to grab other then my sisters. Nielle was help me deliver my baby. Kaela and Amore have been helping getting everything she needed. Amore was hanging out with her when my water broke. He insisted that he would help us.

I watched them together. They we're happy and it hurt me. I had to hide it deep down. This was the only other pain that hurt. I would never have Shade's eyes look at me again like he used to. I will never lay with him in the forest.

He will never have his wings wrapped around me. We would never sword fight with each other again. Everything between us is over that we had shared. I breathed in and out once I felt more contraptions. Finally I pushed wanting this pain to leave me.

I pushed and I heard crying a few seconds after. I was able to see my baby. "You have one child" said Kaela as she held my hand. "Congratulations" said Amore. "Thank you" I said we'll I looked at all of them. Nielle walked towards me and handed me my child after she finished with everything else.

I grabbed my baby and held it to my chest. "It is a girl" said Nielle. "Oh my another one" I said laughing with tears in my eyes. "There are already enough girls here" said Kaela as she looked down at us. We laughed well Amore was studying my baby.

I looked down and I saw my daughter's arm lying on my chest. "What will you name her" asked Nielle. "I think that I will name her Melody" I said as I brushed her cheek with my finger gently.

I was happy and I never wanted to leave her ever again. I knew that I would love her. I smiled well tears fell from my cheek. "You both need rest" said Nielle as she grabbed Melody out of my arms.

"Come on little Melody" said Nielle as she was started to walk away with Melody in her arms. I saw them walk away and Kaela fluffed my pillows. Amore grabbed me a blanket. Once they left I fell fast asleep.

Katya's POV

I listened to what my sisters said. I may have not wanted to be in this position but I have to be. I agreed to be with all my angel guardians. They are the best protectors and guards I have ever known.

Kaelum and Etienne were sent to find Jennx now. Beto is still after Desma. I watched them as they were sword fighting on the clouds and sky. Some were flying well others had their feet on the ground.

The ground up here is clouds so it was better if they ever fell down. I saw some of my best guardians fighting amongst themselves. Declan was sparing with Vylad. Next to them we're the two nicest guardians I know.

Klavier and Leyton were sword fighting fairly. Jaspen and Dacian were next to them but Dacian was trying to teach Jaspen how to be a guardian. Next to me was Gael who was my second in command. We have many more guardians but these are the ones that I trust.

I see many angels look to Gael. All were females but of course he knew that. We have been friends since he was a celestial. He was different from anyone I knew. He wanted true love from someone who wanted him for him and not his looks.

I saw Bev and Demetria who looked at Gael like he was what they most desired. I saw Mirabelle walk with a young angel named Melusina. I remembered she used to hangout with one of my sisters but that all changed when... Aleyna.

I stopped thinking when I thought about the only sister I had who was neither a demon or angel. We had all forgotten all about her. Nobody will remember where to find her. She might have died all those years down on earth.

Mirabelle may have been the last person who cared about her. I think since everyone forgot about her I think that it is for the best that I make sure nobody remembers her. Heaven is supposed to hide things that are not good and that's what I will do.

I smiled and waved my hand. Mirabelle waved back to me and little Melusina smiled and waved to me too. They will never remember dear Aleyna again. She may be the first human but nothing more.

I rolled my eyes and hoped that all the girls would stop drooling. I got annoyed because all of them started to flirt back. "Get back into formation" I yelled and they did as they were told. I smiled since I was back in control.

Gael appears by my side and he doesn't move. "What now Katya" he said once he thought he was able to speak. "Go to your posts" I said and they took off without another word. I heard them leave because all of there wings were flapping heavily.

They flew away fast well Gael stayed by my side. "What do you think about Etienne and Kaelum" I asked him. "They are the best trackers we have" he said reassuring me that they will get the job done. They do mess around a lot but hopefully they get the job done.

"That is good because I don't need to have to deal with them when they mess up" I said we'll he laughed. "They joke around and sure they can be jerks but they are good when they follow orders or if Beto is around" said Gael. I said "We'll hopefully they finish soon."

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