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(y/n) POV

"Riza I'm leaving now." I said, "Oh no you're not. You know the rules, children can't be without adult supervision." Riza said, "Riza, I'm not a child, I'm a homunculus. If I get kidnapped I could kill everyone in the room with ease. I mean they're only human after all." I said arrogantly, suddenly she slapped me, "Children shouldn't talk like that." she said, "Riza." I said coldly, "Never do that again." I said as I glared at her with murderous intent, "The only reason I'm here is that Wrath couldn't convince Pride to keep an eye on you. He assumed I'd keep you docile, and that you'd have the same effect on me." I said, "You are not my mother, so do not presume to stand above me!" I said as tears fell from one eye, "You finished?" She asked, "Yeah." I said, "Good then what's on our mind?" she asked, "I...I can't feel her, I'm scared she's gone again. I...I can't live without Mommy." I said, "You're weak." She said as she hugged me, "And that's alright. You're still a child, and while I'm not your mother, I do see you as something like a little brother." she said as she comforted me, "I'm scared for someone too. I deeply hope that Colonel Mustang is alright." She said, "M-Mustang...n-no, why would you worry about that monster?" I asked in shock, "It's complicated kiddo." she said.

That night Riza made me sleep with her, I didn't mind though. She was so warm, she reminded me a lot of mommy. That was the best sleep I've had in months.

"Morning sleepyhead." Riza said with a smile, "Hey (y/n), mind answering something for me?" She asked, "Sure, what?" I asked, "Why do you refuse to eat dinner until right before bed?" She asked, "I never go to bed without a full belly. If I do, the nightmares will come back." I said, "Really? Does it work?" she asked seemingly hopeful, "No, but someday the lie will come true." I said, "What about you? Does the Colonel know how you feel?" I asked, "No I'd suspect he doesn't." She said, "Riza, thank you for everything, but I can't stay with you any longer." I said, "What why?!" she asked, "Because you make me weak. I feel safe and comfortable with you. I've started seeing you as a mother." I said softly, "I can't allow myself to be weak, and I can't hurt you." I said, "Hurt me? What are you talking about?" she asked, "I promised myself I'd see Roy Mustang dead by my hand, if I kill him I'd hurt you, so I think it's best I leave before anything else happens to bring us closer." I said, "Fine, but is it so bad to have a mom?" she asked, "Yes. Izumi tried to be motherly to me and it was smothering. You, you keep me at arms-length and it's that distance that made me...that made me fall for you." I said sadly as I got up, "Do me a favor and take care of Aoi for me. She's a good girl and where I'm going I can't take her with me." I said, "Alright, but I expect you to come back for her soon." she said sweetly as I gathered my things and left. I couldn't help but silently cry as I left.

"I hope this works." I said as I took a deep breath, "LISTEN UP! THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO KILL EVERYONE! YOU ALL ARE JUST FULE FOR A MASSIVE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE THE FURER IS GOING TO MAKE FOR HIS MASTER! A MAN HE CALLS FATHER!" I shouted and within seconds I was arrested and brought to Grandfather by Wrath. "Grandfather." I said, "Lust. What possessed you to allow this?" Grandfather said, "She's gone you senile fool." I said coldly, "What are you talking about? You are Lust." he said with the same bored expression he always had, "Whatever. I did it to piss off Wrath enough to get me out of Central. So I'm going South." I said, "No. You will go North. Allowing you to go where you'd like would defeat the purpose of punishment. Or if you'd prefer I can have Wrath execute that Riza woman." he said paralyzing me with rage, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" I snapped, "Then you will go to the North." He said.

Philosopher's Stone (male child reader X adoptive mother Lust)Where stories live. Discover now