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eventful end

April 21st, 1994

THE ENTIRE GRYFFINDOR team was so giddy —way more than their first match of the year, that no one managed to finish their breakfast nor speak in the hours approaching the final Quidditch game. Not even Fred and George with their usually yapping mouths.

"210 points," Wood repeated once more before they went out, "210 points to win. We have to win by 60 points before you catch the Snitch, okay, Potter?"

All Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs were definitely on their side, though. Three-quarters of the crowd were wearing scarlet rosettes and waving scarlet flags, brandishing slogans like GO, GRYFFINDOR! or LIONS FOR THE CUP!

"And here are the Gryffindors!" yelled Lee Jordan, who was the acting commentator, "Potter, Bell, Johnson, Spinnet, Weasley, Weasley, and Wood. Widely acknowledged as the best team Hogwarts has seen in a good few years. And here come the Slytherin team, led by Captain Flint. He's made some changes in the lineup and seems to be going for size rather than skill, or familial connection it seems—"

So here's a quick recap of the long-awaited, final Quidditch match.

So here's a quick recap of the long-awaited, final Quidditch match

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Angelina scored first. Which led to Marcus Flint smashing into her and Fred returning the gesture with a blow to the back of his head. Penalties for each team were issued —Twenty-zero to Gryffindor.

From that point on, it turned into the dirtiest game in Hogwarts' Quidditch history.

Montague grabbed Katie's head, earning another penalty in Gryffindor's favor. Flint scored. Bole hit Alicia with his club, and George elbowed Bole in the face in retaliation. Wood took two Bludgers in the stomach. Malfoy grabbed onto Harry's broom to stop him from flying away, and for once, Professor McGonagall booed along with Lee Jordan in the megaphone.

Angelina scored again —Eighty-twenty to Gryffindor.

Then, with lots of adreline and climactic drama, Harry caught the Snitch.

Oliver Wood sped towards the boy, half-blinded by tears, then seized Harry around the neck and sobbed into his shoulder. Wave of crimson supporters poured over the barriers onto the field, and the entire team were lifted above their heads, screaming victorious shrieks and cheers.

Even Percy was jumping up and down like a maniac, all dignity forgotten.

Somebody took a picture of that moment, which Fred bought for a mind blowing, overpriced amount and had it sent to Daisy.

"Worth her smile," he said.

"Worth her smile," he said

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