M6 reacting to you losing focus

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Sorry this is so late, this was meant to be out in October but I got a new phone and had to transfer everything over only to find out it deleted my work on this chapter so I had to redo it. And then school got in the way, but here it is finally.

You decide how you lose focus, as someone who loses focus constantly it's a different reason each time so how is up to reader interpretation.

anyway chapter vote time (they are a bit dark this time sorry)

M6 reacting to your ex following/bothering you both


M6 reacting to you getting paranoid


He didn't notice at first, he has the tendency to get caught up in his head so to him it wasn't really a big deal.

If you don't like being distracted for long he goes and carefully brings you back to focus whenever he recognizes it happening since he never really knows how long you were distracted for.

If you like to be distracted say daydreaming or otherwise then he just leaves you to your own devices until you refocus. Unless it's important or whatever your doing requires 100% focus.


Honestly he probably didn't notice unless you were talking and suddenly stopped or he was looking at you. He tries to help bring you out of it if you don't like it but he can only do so much.

If you get distracted when it's something important he will crack a light joke and bring you out of it. But if it isn't something important as long as you or someone else doesn't get hurt he will just leave you be unless he wants attention.

He doesn't mind when it happens really cause to him as a doctor he has seen it time and time again and as long as no harm is done mentally, physically, or emotionally he just leave it be.


She does get bothered by it occasionally just because sometimes she gets overly concerned on why it might happen or if something important is happening and you zone it out or focus on something else it can interfere.

She is kinda like Julian, if no harm is done she doesn't really mind but also is like Asra in the aspect that she will bring you back on focus after a certain amount of time passes.

She found it hilarious when Lucio was once talking to you and you lost focus halfway through his monologue. It took him another hour to realize it and Nadia just laughed and let you continue to be distracted for awhile afterwards just to upset her ex some more.


Honestly he doesn't know what to do, it depends if he thinks you would be harmed or not by it. He is used to Asra doing it but Asra might not lose focus the same way you do.

Honestly he just pretty much accepts it once he gets used to it. If it doesn't interfere with anything than he really couldn't care less about it and just lets you do your own thing. He trusts you to come back to earth eventually.

Inanna though can and will give you headbutts until you pay attention to her. She loves you and wants you to give her ear scritches so she either will lay near you and or just casually headbutt you until you notice her.


Honestly she probably just sits and waits for you to come back to reality or refocus. If it's important than she will bring you back on track but if not honestly she just trusts you to come back on track in like a hour or so.

She likes to learn about whatever distracted you or whatever your thinking of so get ready for her to ask you about it and no she doesn't care if you rant about it. She likes hearing you talk, doesn't matter about what she just likes you.

Pepi and her both are used to it so they kinda just work around it and can make sure you don't fall behind on anything while your distracted.


Honestly this man probably joins you. When one of you gets distracted the other joins and gets distracted as well. Oh you found a new item? let him see it. You found a crack in the paint in a interesting shape? he will stare at it until he sees it like you do.

The only time he doesn't join in is if you don't like being distracted, because then he will bring you back onto whatever you two were doing. Because whatever his Mc wants that's what they shall get.

Honestly no one is shocked if they walk into a room and see you both distracted, it's a common occurrence and just everyone got used to it, as long as you at least got one thing done others really don't care what happens.

God this took forever to get this chapter out, this chapter had been in the works since November. School is the main thing getting in the way of chapters coming out.

I can't tell you when the next chapter will come out but I know it won't be this week since this week is midterm exams for me.

anyway take this frog as thanks for being so patient with me.

anyway take this frog as thanks for being so patient with me

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