The Ammunition Series

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In celebration of Bullet reaching 1 million reads, I thought I'd give you guys something back for all the incredible support you've shown me on this project.

The next installment of the Ammunition Series
is out!

Casing -- Completed February 2022

Casing -- Completed February 2022

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Elina is all packed up and ready to leave Datoches, her family and everything she's ever known to live a safe and happy life away from the mafia. There's just one thing she wants to do first: Attend a real mobster-party.

Her father has always forbidden her and her sister to join anything related to his job, but Nina, the sister, managed to sneak in a long time ago. Elina wants out, but not before she's experienced the luxury and stuffed up old men up close just once.

There's just one thing she didn't foresee...

James is far from old and cranky, and Elina can't escape him during her one night out. His smile, his humor, his dance moves... He's way more than she ever dreamed she'd find in a man.

But she's leaving the city, and that life, and he's the heir's best friend—so instead of leaving it all behind, she falls in deeper.

More to come... 

And, make sure to check the next chapters right here for some short bonus glimpses into Damian's mind.

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