Chapter 29: Milkshake & Fries?

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Lucky's pov

I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing next to me causing me to groan. It's to fucking early for all of this. "What" I answered without bothering to look at who it was. They better have a good reason as to why I'm being woken up. "Lucky do you not plan on getting out of bed, it's already 1 in the afternoon" Leo's voice travels through the phone.

Holy shit it already is 1 in the afternoon. "It's fine I have everything handled at the warehouse and Adrinao's already covering for Athena you don't have to come in. Oh and Santo stood home today bye" He quickly hangs up as Athena tosses and turns.

"Amore Mío stop moving" she faintly says before falling back asleep on my chest. Kissing her forehead I lay back down wrapping my arms tighter.

Falling asleep wasn't the hard part but I think getting back up is. After falling asleep for 2 more hours it's now 3 in the afternoon and Athena refuses to get out of bed. "Bambina come on we've been in bed all day" Rubbing the side of her stomach she buries her face deeper in chest throwing the blanket over her.

"Do we have to?" She groans looking up at me with her beautiful grey eyes full of sleepiness. I hold her closer to me as she puts all her weight straddling my lap as she closes her eyes again. "We'll go get food again" She opens her eyes giving me a lazy smile.

"What are we waiting for?" I grab two towels, leaving it out for us to keep them warm. Opening the shower door Athena goes in letting the water droplets hit her skin soaking it in. Standing behind her wrapping my arms around her she puts them down her stomach right above her spot.

I raise my eyebrow at her as she gives me a smirk. "Do you have a problem?" I whisper on her neck placing light kisses as she nods, throwing her head back. "Answer me or I stop" Slowing down she lets out a whimper grabbing my fingers.

"Don't stop" Her breathless voice melts in my arms as I continue to show her pleasure. I know she enjoys it due to the sound of her voice filling up the room. I hold her up, letting regulate her breath. "I've been waiting 4 months for that." She looks at me as I let out a loud laugh.

"Bambina if you needed me to pleasure you I would have done it" I kiss her lips making her smile. Deepening the kiss I push her back against the wall making the waterfall from the rainfall shower head.

Placing my hands under her thighs she jumps wrapping her legs around my waist tugging at my hair. "It's been too long without eating my favorite meal" I sat her on the shower bench enjoying my meal.

Athena's pov

"That was a long shower" Lucky comes out of the bathroom with his towel hanging dangerously low. My heart started beating 200 mph as I put on a pair of sweatpants. Why is this man so attractive?

If he doesn't put clothes on in the next two seconds I don't think we'll leave this room. "Oh Santo is home to" Great thanks for telling me now Lucky. "When were you planning on telling me this?" I take my hair out of the towel letting it breath running some product through it.

I can't have it looking like a puff ball now. "I forgot Leo told me when he called me. Adriano texted me he said it's still friday and they have dinner together that it's at his house today and we could go if we want" He covers his tattooed chest in a white t-shirt topping it off with a gold chain that he never takes off.

Not that I'm complaining, especially when it dangles in my face. I'm living the dream. "Yeah we can go tonight but it's only 3 and that starts at like 7 so can we get milkshakes and fries?"

"Whatever you want we'll go get. Wake Santo up for me?" I walk out of the room going over to Santo door knocking. I'm not just going to barge in either he's turning 17 in a few days he still needs privacy. Waiting in front of his door for 5 minutes tells me he's still sleeping. "Santo come on it's 3 in the afternoon, wake up" I lightly rub his arm as he groans.

"Ma let me sleep" He puts a pillow on his face moving to the opposite side of the bed. "Santo were getting food, get up you slept long enough" He shoots up at the sound of food running to the bathroom. "I'll be down in 20" He locks the bathroom down hearing the shower turn on.

Walking downstairs the guards coming inside greet me as I Return the kind gesture sitting in the living room. I turn on the TV going through random channels before I feel someone behind me. Lucky places his hands on my shoulder, his thumb rubbing the back of my neck. He bends down placing a kiss on my forehead leaving his head in the crook of my neck. "Amore Mio you're going to hurt your back" Tapping his arm he jumps on the couch next to me letting his long legs take up the rest of the couch with some still dangling off.

Lucky leaves his head in the crock of my neck leaving us sitting in a comfortable silence. Tracing his many tattoos up his arm I admire the artwork placed on his body. No doubt that the whole process must have taken forever but they are so detailed to the ink. No line out of place, no shading is done wrong or poorly it was straight from the sketchbook.

"It's time for food" Santo yells running down the stairs catching himself before he falls. Lucky looks at his son with the 'are you serious' face. Going into the garage Lucky grabs the keys to his matte black G-Wagon opening the door for me.

Santos spreads himself throughout the back seat laying his head on the window and legs on top of the seat. Lucky places his hand on my thigh hearing the car roar to life. "Such a beautiful sound to hear don't worry you're still the best i've heard" He smirks at me saying it loud enough for me to hear but low enough for Santo not to. "You want another taste?" His eyes dilate turning dark blue leaving a tighter grip on my legs making me squirm in my seat.

Speeding out of the garage the guards have the gate open letting us continue to the speed that we were driving. The natural air fills up the car letting the radio play at a medium volume. In a matter of no time we get to the same dinner we went to yesterday.

"Bambina, you want the same from yesterday?" Lucky holds my hand walking in holding the door for me and Santo. "Yeah Amore Mio the same milkshake" We sat at a booth with a waiter coming to us immediately. Lucky orders for me and him letting Santo get whatever he wants. "We're going to Adriano's after this so don't get too full he'll shove the food down your throat" I tell him as he finally looks up from his phone.

"Yeah yeah that's fine" He goes back to his phone smiling at it. It's probably Aurora. He's been hanging out with her for a while now but thinks she'll reject him if he asks her.

The milkshakes come out with the fries as we thank the waiter who gives a smile in return. "This shit is amazing" Santo talks with his mouth full.

"Santo that's disgusting I don't want to see the food in your mouth" he shrugs continuing to eat. "How's Aurora?" Lucky asks him as a small smile goes to Santo face.

"She's always good at asking about you two and how you guys are doing. She says you're the reason she believes in love" I feel a smile form on my face.

We're the reason that she believes in love. Lucky is the reason I believe in love even when we had our rough patch, something still made me feel safe. He never raised his hands at me or never gave up. We were at our worst and still made it to now. "Please Santo bring the poor girl over or at least make it official your clueless" I palm my face as he gives me a look of confusion.

"Ma, I'm taking her out tomorrow. I'm planning on asking her then as for bringing her home i'll tell her to come with me on monday. Does that mean I can take the car?" He drinks the last of his milkshake quickly as Lucky asks for the bill. "Yes Santo you can take one of the cars" Lucky places three $20 on the table grabbing my hand so we can leave.

"Time to see your brothers" I kiss Lucky's cheek resting my head on his chest walking to the car.


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I don't know how to feel about this chapter

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