Twenty three

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Pulling up to the hospital car park, dread filled my whole body. I was distracted by the fact we had finally found Harry with the fear of the worst.

I had no idea on what we would be walking in to...

The questions were endless. Why was he in the hospital? Where has he been? Who was he talking about coming back? Is he ok?

But my number one concern was the fact Harry wasn't there. He said he'd meet me out the front, but there was nobody standing in the entrance.

"Do you see him?" I ask, undoing my seatbelt without taking my eyes off the doors.

"No." Niall's voice is quiet, the opposite of his usual volume. I bite the inside of my mouth.

"I'll be back. Get in the drivers seat just in case." I look to the blonde, who nods at the instructions, before we both get out of the car.

Once Niall is positioned in the front seat, I make my way to the front entrance of the hospital. It's passed visiting hours, almost 8pm and the lobby is almost empty as I walk in. The lady at the front desk is too busy on her phone to look up.

But as I take another step, a hand over my mouth and grip around my waist pulls me backwards. I struggle out of the grip, ready to attack the person just to turn around to see Harry.

His eyes are fearful, cheeks damp. But I don't have time to react before I'm being pulled down a short hallway, away from the lobby area.

I watch in awe as Harry looks around the hall, nobody being around, before throwing himself at me with a sob.

I hold him to me, feeling him hold onto me tightly. I adjust a little, making him shove his face into my neck. I just breath deeply, shutting my eyes to keep my own tears from escaping.

"Thank the goddess." I murmur, squeezing him before pull back.

We make eye contact, and the relief must be written all over my face. Harry smiles at me softly as I wipe the tear tracks off his cheek, red and patchy.

I feel as if a weight has been lifted.

"Are you ok, Haz? I've missed you so much." I say, looking him up and down for any injuries. He's in large shorts, a black hoodie that's brought up over his head. He bites his lip.

"I missed you too. Can we please go home? I wanna go- can you take me?" He rambles. I quick hush him, pecking his lips that makes him smile once again.

"Come on, love. Everyone will be so happy to see you."

Harry holds on to my arm tightly, scanning our surrounds as we leave the building and head quickly over the car. The longer it takes, the tighter his grip becomes. I can feel his whole body shaking, fear radiating off him.

Niall sees us coming, face brightening as he spots Harry. It's only seconds we are seated in the back of the car before he's speeding off.

"Harry! I'm so glad your ok. I've missed you so much. I've been so worried!" Niall looks in the centre mirror into the back, and Harry simply smiles back before burying his head back into my neck. I meet Niall's worried glance with one of my own.

Harry doesn't look up the whole ride, both hands gripping my jacket sleeve and not letting go. He's shaking still, so I wrap my free arm around him and bring him closer. He doesn't speak a word. He's just about sitting on my lap by the time we arrive home.

Dad and Harry's parents rush out of the house when we arrive, but its when I hear the soft breathing do I release Harry's asleep.

Niall climbs out, hugging Anne and talking softly to the rest.

With a gentle shake, I wake Harry up. He looks up, blinking for a second before his eyes land on me, grip tightening once again.

"Let's go inside yeah?" Harry nods, looking out the door window.

I slip my fingers between his, guiding him out of the back of the car. I hear Anne gasp behind me before foot steps rush over.

But I watch with fear as Harry's eyes widen before suddenly rolling back and he's collapsing. I catch him as he does, holding his against me.

"Harry? Haz?!" I pat his cheek gently, causing him to let out a murmur but his eyes don't open. I look around, seeing Anne come over cautiously, biting her bottom lip.

"I think he dropped, dear. Best just to take him upstairs. Put him in your bed." Anne explains softly, looking over her son before nodding to me.

My eyes widen, looking back at the omega in my arms. I've never witnessed an omega drop before. "I thought that was something that happens when they feel threatened."

"He's most likely overwhelmed. Just take him in and then we can talk."

I nod, picking him up bridal style before making my way inside. His head rest against my shoulder, and I can't help but swallow as I study his features.

His lips are red, the lower one puffy, and parted as he takes deep breaths. There are dark bags under his eyes, but otherwise his skin is unblemished. He's beautiful.

Nobody is ever taking him away from me again.

Putting Harry down gently on my bed, I place his favourite blanket over him, the one that most likely smell more of me than him now with the time I spent breathing his scent in and cuddling it. I sit down on the edge of the mattress beside him. He looks peaceful.

There's a knock one the door and a moment later, Anne is coming in. Her eyes are locked on Harry before meeting mine. She looks tired, but calm as she sits on the other side of the mattress.

I try my best not to growl as she pushes a curl away from my omegas face.

"There are many reasons omegas can drop. When they first start to present, it takes a lot of energy out of you. The opposite of alphas really. That's one of the main reasons." She smiles a little before continuing, and I nod, remembering how over active I was. "We drop not only due to threats, but it can be because of exhaustion, stress, illness, pain... or safety. It can happen when one emotion over rules all the others and it becomes to overwhelming. Omegas just go to a safe space."

I look down at Harry, interlocking our fingers, and he lets out a soft purr, making us both chuckle quietly.

"Did he tell you anything?" Anne asks.

"No. Just that he wanted me take him home. Something's wrong though, he's in pain, I can feel it. And he was so sacred earlier, kept looking around us for something..." Anne looked down at her son worrisomely.

"Be patient when he wakes up. Don't push him. We don't know what's exactly happen. He must've been in the hospital for a reason."

I swallowed down, pushing down the worst possibility. "I know."

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