Chapter 3

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Today, you were doing grocery shopping. Your parents asked you to go buy food because they were looking for new jobs, since they didn't have any in this world.

You knew this new situation worried them, even if they were trying to hide it. I mean, who wouldn't ? You were living your life and then one day you get transported somewhere without any explanation, and with seemingly no way back.

You were walking idly with your groceries in hands, when a few screams reached your ears. You walked in their direction, and saw 4 rabbids in front of a photo booth, looking at a man taking pictures of himself.

The booth was not too far from the exit, the place was empty for the most part, but, you did saw a brown haired woman walking out, with a punch of picture that you assumed she just took in said photo booth.

The man was dressed nicely, and nervously looking at the rabbids from the corner of his eye. A rabbid with a red and a blue eye was jumping next to him, trying to get in the picture.

You sat on a bench in front of it, watching it unfold.

The man caught him by the ear with a frown on his face. That's when you heard a clicking song coming from the machine, indicating that a picture has been taken.

The rabbid kept ruining the poor man's picture, once by jumping on his back and stealing his glasses, and once by jumping on his head.

You did think it was funny, and smiled a little.

He came out of the booth looking pissed, and then tripped on the rest of the rabbids. The pictures got printed out, and the other threes just laughed at it. The man checked in his pocket and saw a 100 dollar bill, he sighed and walked away.

The two-tone eyed rabbid rushed in, and stood on the chair trying to reach the camera. After a bit, he yelled in frustration, and turned to the others, asking for their help. Two of them got inside and stacked him on top of each other, they fell out of the machine and he fell on the chair, running. It actually got the chair to lift, and he smiled, showing the other that he did it.

He made a weird strangling motion (what he saw the previous man doing to adjust his tie) and stood on one leg, posing for the picture. He waited a bit, but nothing happened, he shouted at the camera, and got back at posing. He screamed sadly after noticing it wasn't working, when another rabbid came in and checked why it wasn't working.

You felt a bit bad for him when you saw how sad he was over it.

Said rabbid tried to get his attention, and he stopped rubbing his eyes. He showed him the thing to put your money, and he understood.

He told the other what he needed, by doing circle motion with his hands. The other three ran off trying to find what they needed. One came back with a bike wheel, another with a roll of tape, and the last one with a tuna can, but they all got turned down since it didn't fit in the hole. This when on for a bit more time (with a ball, a can of soda, and a bagel) before you stood up.

You knew what was going to happen next, they would see someone in the vending machine nearby, and one would get his hand stuck in the machine.

You came out of your daydream, and saw that it already happened, and they were already walking to the dog.

You sigh and walked slowly to the vending machine, the rabbid was beginning to get tired, but woke up when you stood beside him. He looked at you, slightly tilting his head and making a noise that sounded like a question.

'' I'm going to help you out '' You said, boredly.

You knew he couldn't understand you, but you said it anyway.

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