Uprising (Halo 2)

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Thelya 'Vadamee is seen arriving on a cliff face via teleporting from the Gravemind. The view shows a view of Delta Halo's Control Room. She then turns to her left and finds a conveniently-placed Plasma Rifle, lying on a rock stained with Sangheili blood, and readies herself on the path ahead.

Oh, So That's How it Is

Thelya 'Vadamee sees Brute Shot grenades going off in the distance, followed by Plasma Rifle bursts firing in the air

Brute: "Weaklings!"

'Vadamee picks up an Energy Sword. Igniting it getting ready to strike the Brutes.

Sangheili: (dying) "The Brutes have betrayed us... the Councillors..."

'Vadamee sees a Brute shooting at a dead Sangheili. She looked towards the Brute with a disgust look upon her face.

Brute 1: "Let's just throw them over the edge!"

Brute 2: "Where's the fun in that?"

Another Brute approaches the two other Brutes.

Brute 1: "I already checked there!"

Brute 3: "Just making sure..."

'Vadamee then ran up to the closes Brute ambushing the group by jumping on its back and stabbing the sword through their chest. The other Brutes turned to witness the scene but 'Vadamee quickly activates her camouflage disappearing from their sights. As they look around for Thelya, still in camouflage she sneaked up to one of the Brutes who back was turned and just like the first stabbed her sword through its chest. The finally Brute how ever saw this and started firing its weapon towards 'Vadamee but she either quickly dodged or deflected the bullets with her energy weapon. When she got close to the last Brute, she slashed the Brute disconnecting its head from their body as just like the rest fell back and landed dead on the floor.

Brute Captain: (growls) "Go see what's taking them so long!"

Thelya noticed more Brutes coming her way. Not wanting to waste any time she cloaked herself again but instead of fighting her way through she quickly made her way past them. 'Vadamee made her way along the path and reaches the doors of a structure, a cloaked Special Operations Sangheili arrives from the door and helps 'Vadamee to kill any remaining Brutes.

Spec Ops Sangheili: "By the Prophets... what have these Brutes done?"

The Sangheili turns and looks at 'Vadamee, then tightens his fist.

Spec Ops Sangheili: "They have shed our brothers' blood... and for that, they must die!"

Insertion Drop Pods land on the canyon, unveiling Sangheili reinforcements.

Spec Ops Sangheili: "A Zealot! So much for a stealthy advance."

Zealot Sangheili: "Bah! Over so soon?"

'Vadamee moves into the structure before the rest of the Sangheili reinforcements do..

Zealot Sangheili: "Arbiter! Save some for the rest of us!"

The Arbiter and the rest of the Sangheili entered the first room of the structure. The room was filled with enemy Brutes. As screams of people dying and the sound of gunfire filled the atmosphere, The Arbiter and the the group of Sangheili cleared the first room of the structure, they find a couple of Grunts running about. With their help, the Sangheili finish off the remaining Brutes, Jackals and Drones in the area.

'Vadamee and her allies enter the next room where several more Brutes take defensive positions.

Zealot: "Ha ha! Long have I waited for this!"

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