1. The festival

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"Jane, how old am I?" I asked as my maid fussed around, complaining about the fact that Roselia had borrowed the dress that I was supposed to wear today and had not yet given it back.

She looked back at me, surprised.

"Why the question, miss?" She asked.

"Just answer the question." I demanded, swinging my feet above the bed while waiting for Roselia's maid to bring me back the dress.

I had a feeling that won't happen any time soon. Sounded like a very important dress and by the way Jane is fussing, I suppose the two sisters had been fighting over it.

"You are 8, miss." Jane blinked, slowly beginning to panic "Do you have a loophole? Didn't you sleep well enough? Did you fall off the bed and hit your head?! Do I need to call for a doctor?!"

"No. I was just testing you." I huffed. She only looked more surprised. "It was just a question."

Penelope did look exactly 8. She was neither underfed nor overfed. Her diet seemed appropriate. There seems to be no deficit of any important nutrients. No anorexia, no undergrowth, no overweight either.

"I was just asking because," I felt the need to explain "I-...Was just thinking that those dresses look too...too...too...adult-like."

What was I saying, those dresses were perfect for 8 years old...There was just an absence of color variety. There was more dark marine blue and various shades of green and purple but no pink or white. She basically had the classic Disney Villains' closet. No yellow either. But let's be honest, those colors don't fit Penelope. Not yet anyway.

"But you chose them yourself..." Jane said confusedly.

"Yes. I am complaining about...my own taste."

That wasn't very smart to say.

"Shall I ask the count to bring you and miss Roselia shopping next week?"


"Are you sure you're feeling okay miss?"

"Absolutely." I sighed "Are you sure I can't just pick another dress? Let Roselia have that one if she wants it!"

"But you absolutely insisted upon wearing that one today!" Jane complained.

"Oh did I..." I rolled my eyes "Well I changed my mind. Pick me the one you think would suit me best and bring it. Remind me where we're supposed to go today? I'm still just testing the quality of your work as my personal maid."

"Oh! Your cousin is taking you and miss Roselia to the town festival today."

"Roger Alpheus?"

"Yes miss."

"And how exactly is my relationship with him?" I asked and she looked at me with an even more lost expression "I'm still testing you."

"You get along decently. You can coexist..."

I'll take that as a good as possible relationship Penelope could have with anyone then. I always assumed their relationship was decent, since the original Penelope successfully gained refuge at the Alpheus's manor when pregnant with Jeannette. I wonder why she didn't just run back to her own manor instead, this place was awesome.

"Okay. How's my relationship with Roselia?" I continued.

"Close enough for you to normally call her Lia..."

Which I am not doing right now...I understand she must really think I hit my head somewhere.

Well technically the maid isn't wrong at all.

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