My little dork

530 12 3

(collage AU)

"Amity~ wanna go to the library with me??"

Luz says with a big smile plastered on her face.

"I can't Luz, I'm busy."

Amity says with a small sigh, Luz frowns and stomps her foot.

"You say that every time I ask to hang out!"

Luz says, she misses hanging out with her girlfriend outside of school.

"Yes I know, but I have plans, Luz."

Amity says putting her stuff in her bag and walking out of the classroom. The brunette huffs in anger before grabbing her bag and storming out of the classroom. A couple of weeks go by and Amity still hasn't hung out with her brown-haired girlfriend, Luz.

"Hey dorky, is it alright for me to stop by your dorm room?"

Amity says to her girlfriend over the phone.

"Yes of course!"

"Alright I got a surprise for you, I'll cya there."

Amity hangs up and grabs something off her desk then heads toward her girlfriend's room. Amity knocks on the door and Luz swings it open with a big smile on her face. Luz lets her in.

"Soooo what's my surprise?!"

Amity looks at Luz and gets down on one knee, Luz gasps a little.

"I've been planning this moment in my head for the past couple of weeks, and I'm now ready. Luz, will you make me the happiest girl in the world and marry me?"

Luz was crying so hard that she could barely see.


Amity stands up and slips the beautiful owl-shaped ring onto her finger. The two share a passionate kiss.

"I love you, my little dork."


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