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My sister who knows absolutely nothing about the dreamsmp tells me whether she likes them or not based on their names

Dream : no ( a/n oop)

Tommy : yes (a/n purr)

Technoblade: no (a/n I-)

Philza : yes (a/n we stan)

Puffy : yes (a/n period)

Wilbur : no ( a/n at this point I need to throw her away )

Tubbo : no ( a/n I cry)

Sapnap : yes ( a/n thank god )

Niki: yes ( a/n niki my beloved )

Fundy : yes ( a/n ight I see you )

schlatt: yes ( a/n a woman of culture I see)

Minx : no (a/n oop)

George: no ( a/n I'll cry again )

Karl : no (a/n I- ur done ur done )

Ranboo : yes (a/n we stan)

Jack : no  (I-)

Bbh: yes (a/n thank god)

Slimecicle: yes (a/nyes)

Quackity : no (a/n the disrespect)

Tina : yes (a/n <3)

Punz: no (a/n ur done)

Purpled : yes (a/n puurrr)

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