1.1 Genius painter

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[Affectionate male matching system is being bound, and the character memory and plot summary are being transferred... Progress bar 85/100]

    【Ding! The transfer is complete. The plot of "Genius Painter" has been opened. Please play your own role well. Your role will be the key to promoting the development of the plot. When the audience is more than 100 points, you can leave the world. 】

    [Code-named "711" role-playing system, to serve you wholeheartedly! 】

    Lu Shijin opened his eyes, unfamiliar memories flooded into his brain like a tide, his brain swelled, his temples were aching, and it took a while for his confused consciousness to gradually clear up.

.There are two memories in Lu Shijin's mind. One belongs to him. At the end of this memory, he was fired from the company. His boss ordered him to take all his belongings and get out of the company immediately. On the way home from the company, he was absent-minded. I was hit by a galloping muck truck, and my body flew out like a rag doll for dozens of meters——

    It's probably dead to death.

    The owner of another memory, according to the information given by the system, he is the supporting actor in the show "Genius Painter", and Lu Shijin is his actor.

    "Classmate, are you feeling well?"

    The female invigilator noticed that a student in the back row was holding his head in pain, and came to the student seat and asked caringly.

.Lu Shijin slowly raised his head and showed a pale and feeble smile to the invigilator. "I'm sorry, teacher, I have a terrible headache. I may not be able to continue the next exam."

    The owner of this face has bright and soft features, fair skin, and looks as non-aggressive as a soft white rabbit. His eyes are large and moist. The look of people is sincere and does not evade. He looks like a good student.

    Especially the smile on his lips is forbearing and strong. Although he is smiling, it can make people feel that he is enduring the pain with all his strength, and his heart can't help being tight.

    "But this is the final exam..." Although the invigilator sympathizes with this student who is suffering from illness, but also bears in mind his responsibility as an invigilator, and softly encourages Lu Shijin, "If you can stick to it, then stick to it?"

.Lu Shijin closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, "Thank you, teacher, but my head really hurts. Can I choose to make up the exam?"

    He twisted his eyebrows slightly, his delicate brows wrinkled, his grievances were naturally revealed, and the invigilator's heart was softened.

    Invigilator: "Well, you hand in the test papers to the podium, and then leave the test room, with a little action, and don't affect other students."

    After handing in the papers and leaving the examination room, Lu Shijin walked outside the teaching building.

    It is now the final exam stage. The students have finished the class. The teaching building is used as an exam room, and the campus is quiet.

    "Your role is an excellent student with both academic and academic performance. Abandoning the exam will lower your credit score. Do you know what consequences will it have?"

    The system's voice suddenly came out of Lu Shijin's mind, coldly.

.Lu Shijin was a reporter before he was alive. He dealt with words frequently, and he read a lot of novels, so he quickly adapted to the fact that he became a traverser.

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