Chapter 42.

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"Taehyung you need to stop!" A distorted voice could be heard behind him. It sounded like, Jeongguk, but also Jimin, but also Yoongi, maybe his grandmother...but....

Taehyung reeled his foot back, landing another blow in the man's side.

"Rapist!" He spat at the man.


He ignored the voice, focusing on the man who'd hurt his girlfriend.

He crossed over him, kicking into his stomach now.

"You're killing her!"

"Her?" Taehyung said as he kicked another blow into their stomach.

"The babies!" The voice cried.

Taehyung froze for a moment, he blinked a few times, he took a good look at the man on the floor, but suddenly it wasn't a man, it was....

"Delilah!" He dropped down to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry!" Taehyung flew up in his bed.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jeongguk was holding him, "you've been murmuring and shifting around."

"I'm....fine, I'm okay, just a nightmare."  Taehyung sat up, he wiped the sweat that coated his forehead.

Jeongguk tried his best to hide his concern, for now at least. Taehyung hasn't had a nightmare in years.......

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