99: High School Student 07

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Zong Yan: "..."

He instantly reached into the gap in space and touched a card. His hand was half-stretched out before he remembered the other party was, in a sense, on his side. His hand stopped in mid-air.

Damn, damn, damn!

He couldn't describe the feeling of shock.

One minute you thought you were about to take possession of a three story villa, enjoy your own private garden, soaring to the peak of life, and the next you're suddenly found out by the rightful owner.

Wait a minute, he couldn't say this was the rightful owner. The villa was technically owned by Shub-Niggurath.

It was just that the evil god standing in the foyer was the very one Zong Yan was trying to avoid.

Zong Yan: "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Yog-Sothoth asked rhetorically. "In fact, if I want to, I can change the name on the property certificate immediately."

The evil god's tone was bland, as if he were stating a simple fact with no intention of making a joke. Zong Yan didn't hear a trace of emotion in his voice. It was indeed a trivial matter for an evil god to arrange.

Zong Yan sputtered for a moment. To avoid embarrassment he hastily changed the subject. "Why's the electricity turned off?"

The Lord of the Gate gave him a deep look. "Because you didn't come back.

"And evil gods don't need electricity."

In all honesty, Yog's appearance right now could be regarded as terror-inducing.

He was using the gray-haired, white-robed physical form of Tawil. As he floated in the air, his white robe hung down eerily below him, and his golden eyes were emotionless. He was backgrounded by the pitch-black, electricity-free darkness of the villa's interior with just a fraction of moonlight to illuminate him. He looked like something from The Ring.

Zong Yan was speechless for a moment.

He began to form a vague suspicion.

This sudden encounter might not be an accident. The other party had been waiting for him.

No way, Zong Yan had returned to Jiangzhou almost a month ago. How would the Lord of Time and Space ever have the patience to sit here for a month doing nothing?

"I just came back to get something. I'll get it and head out."

Zong Yan hurriedly looked away, then tried to pass the other party to go upstairs. Yog-Sothoth moved forward without any warning and blocked his path.

"This is closer to your school. Why don't you choose this place?"

The evil god looked down, and strands of gray hair like woven moonlight almost brushed Zong Yan's face.

Zong Yan: "..."

Always aim straight for the sore spot ah? Like I'd dare to admit I'm trying to avoid you? Like I'd dare!

"Because... Because there's no electricity in the villa."

Zong Yan immediately felt nervous, like a fever had ignited in his brain. But he got the sentence out and his tone of voice was firm and reasonable.

The moment the words left his mouth, he was dumbfounded.

"Oh?" Yog had a good-natured smile on his face, a smile that was full of significance.

A second later, behind the evil god who was suspended in the air, a flash of light from a billion brilliant spheres suddenly flared and faded, and he gently snapped his fingers—

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