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I rolled over onto my side, my eyes flickering open as I grabbed my phone. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, yawning several times as I tried to make sense if all the notifications in front of me. Scrolling past them, I noticed today's date.

November 12th

I gasped quietly, reaching out and nudging Hendrix till he woke up, groaning in annoyance.


"It's Daisy's birthday!" I whisper shouted as he turned to face me. He laughed, putting an arm over my body and pulling my closer.

"I know, I have it all planned out, don't worry"

"Oh" I said, smiling at him "well aren't you brother of the year?" he chuckled lightly, burying his head in my neck. I sat up but he pulled back down, tightening his arm around my waist.

"Quit moving" he said. I felt my cheeks heating up even though I was years into this relationship.

"I wanna wake her up"

"She can wake up herself" he mumbled. I rolled my eyes and slapped him arm. He groaned loudly, using his other arm to pick up my body, pulling me onto his chest. I looked down at his lips as my body pressed against his.

"Hi" he said softly, smiling at me. I narrowed my eyes and got out of bed, hearing him sigh loudly as I walked out of our room and across the hall.

I knocked on Daisy's door, opening it a crack to see her sound asleep, it was past 10am and she was usually up and screaming at the crack of dawn.

"Happy birthday, Daisy!" I shouted. Her eyes snapped open and her lips curved upwards into a smile. She started screaming and laughing as she stood up, jumping up and down on the bed.

"It's my birthday!" she squealed, jumping into my arms as I carried her back to our room.

"It's my birthday!" she repeated, falling onto our bed and crawling over Hendrix. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, smothering her in kisses.

"I can't believe you're 8!" I said, folding my arms and watching them both.

"I'm cooler than you now" she said, pressing her finger against Hendrix's forehead. He scoffed, taking his finger and pressing it against hers.

"I taught you everything you know, turd"

"Hey!" I said, swatting his hand away from her and picking her up again "don't be mean to the birthday girl, turd"

"Hear that?" said Daisy, wrapping her arms around my neck "I'm the birthday girl, which means Trixie likes me more than you today"

I looked at her, raising an eyebrow "I like you more than Hendrix literally everyday anyway"

She let out an evil laugh, pointing at Hendrix which made me laugh. He got out of bed, sticking his tongue out at her and coming over to us.

"Go get ready, both of you"

"Why, what's happening?" she asked, looking from me to Hendrix and back at me. I shrugged my shoulders, I actually had no idea this time.

"It's a surprise" he whispered, taking her from my arms and throwing her in the air to catch her again.

He placed her on the ground, leaving her in a fit of giggles until she got up and ran to her room. He laughed quietly to himself before closing our door and looking back at me. 

"It's a party" he said, coming over to me and placing his hands on my waist "I had a planner organise it, I just made the guest list and left the rest up to her"

"I can't wait" I said, placing my hands on his chest.

A birthday party with a guest list that I hadn't even seen, what could go wrong?

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