Chapter 14 Im Sarced

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Continue Emily POV~
I locked my phone I went to Jack's room I knocked.

"Come in" I open the door Jack is on the left side of his bed. I walked in. I closed the door behind me

"Hey" I walk towards his bed and laid on the right side.

"Hi" he said looking up from his phone and locking it then he put in on his nightstand.

"Jack is coming over"

"I know"

"How-- he told you"

"Yeah and he said that you want to talk to him about something Em he's sacred and I mean sacred what is it about"?

"Okay but if I tell you, you can't get mad please it was an accident"

"Okay now I'm sacred"

"Okay Cam and I went to the beach after we got ice cream and he sowed me the park. When we were in the water we were caught in the moment and we kissed" Jack's eyes grew big like they were about to come out of his head.

"Em are you fucking serious he is died! You pulled away right? Em I can't believe this we were here only a day and this happens first he hits on you and now this he is getting an ass beat by me and Jack" he said getting off his bed as I did the same now we both are face to face.

"That's what Jack said. No but I should have I know I'm so stupid. I know Jack. You and Jack would hurt anyone that comes near me might as well luck me up huh Jack please clam down"

"Yeah you are. That's true great idea"

"Hey. Omg Jack. At least I'm telling Jack before he finds out a different way"

"Yeah your right but Em he's going to act way worst then I did you know that right"?

"I'm always right. Yeah I know but it's the right thing to do"

"Yeah good luck"

"Thanks just don't tell him anything"

"I won't"

"I talk to you later"

"Okay tell me how it goes"

I will" I opened the door and closed it behind me I went to my room. I open my door and closed it behind me I look up and see Matt siting in my bed. Great another one what's going to happen this time?

"Hi" Matt said with a smile and waved

"Hey" I said tried and laying on my bed.

"What's wrong"?


"Come on tell Matty"

"Matty? And no"

"Yeah what's wrong with it? Come on"

"Nothing just surprising that's all. No Matt"

"Yeah my dad has been calling me that since I was little. Okay suit yourself"

"Aww that's cute. I will"

"Haha funny laugh it up"

"I will"

"Okay so how was town"? Oh god is all that I can think

"Well it was just okay"

"You don't like it here"

"It nice but Cam only showed me the ice cream place, the park, and we went to the beach"

"That's Cam"

"What do you mean"? Has cam done this before? That's all I could think about.

"Has he done this before Matt"?



"Once but the beach is new"

"So he took a girl to get ice cream he payed and he took her to the park"


"Wow I can't even"

"But he took you to the beach what happen there"


"Because he told me that when he founds the one he is going to take her to the beach. but your our stepsister"

"Matt do you think that someone can have feelings for their stepbrothers"?

"Yeah they can to be honest"

"Yeah so do you think he likes me"?

"I mean who wouldn't"? Okay so I guess he likes me to or something.

"Do you" he got red.

"I should've ask you that sorry"

"It okay I'll tell you one day if I do or don't"

"Okay--" I was interrupted by my phone it was ringing

~Phone Cov~
J- Hi babe
E- Hey
J- I'm almost there 10 minutes away
E- Okay can't wait to see you
J- Me too
E- Okay text me when you are here so I can open the door
J- I will babe

"Your boyfriend"? I locked my phone


"So I get to met him"

"Yeah it's okay it's Cam that whos hes not a fan of"

"Em you didnt tell me what happen with Cam at the beach you need to tell me"

"Okay Cam and I kissed"

"No no"


"That's what he said he wanted to happen the first time he takes a girl there Em. But you are telling your boyfriend right"

"Yeah of course"

"Okay good"

"Yeah I know" I phone bussed I unlock my phone it read.

Boyfriend: I'm here babe

"He is here"

"Okay I should leave your room" I went to my bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror I look fine.

"Yeah" We both left my room I went downstairs Matt went to our parents room. I ran downstairs I open the door and saw Jack with his big smile that I fall for every time and that I'm in love with I could never lose him.
He is wearing black sweats with a navy hoodie. He is standing and leaning on his car he got up and walk a little me knew I wanted to jump on him. I ran and jumped in his arms I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I miss you" I whispered in his ear

"Me too babe" He whispered back I let go I grabbed his hand

"Let's go inside"

"Okay" We walked in he closed the door behind him. I showed him the living room and kitchen and the pool he was smiling the whole time.

"It's nice babe"

A/n Again sorry for the cliffhanger the reason I do cliffhangers are bc I have been writing more and I don't really want the chapters to be so many pages. But bc the chapters are long I'll mostly do 1 chapter a day. Bye loves

Falling For My StepbrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora