3. Call it a date!

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Iseul turns to her and smiles, her brows raised in mischief

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Iseul turns to her and smiles, her brows raised in mischief. “Why? Are you not interested all of a sudden?” Cleo shakes her head, eyes fixed on the kid. “I didn’t come prepared to impress two people. Now I have to put in all my effort.” She turns to Iseul with knitted brows. “I’m offended, why would you even think I lost interest after seeing him with a kid. Let’s go.”

“Go to him?” Iseul points at Jungkook. Cleo smirks. “We are here to have fun right? Let’s have fun. I hope you don’t mind two extra people added in our fun,” Cleo dashes into the crowd towards Jungkook.Iseul rolls her eyes and follows Cleo piercing through the crowd. Cleo is in all smiles as she nears him. He gets on his knee and takes his kerchief to wipe the kid’s lips stained with chocolate ice cream. For some reason the sight makes her warm. The smiles turn into bright fond ones as she reaches him finally.

“I swear I am not stalking you Mr. Jeon. We just keep running into each other,” Cleo says. Jungkook stands up after wiping the kid’s mouth clean. “That’s a red flag right there,” he says. The wide honey eyed kid looks at her and smiles a little. She gets a feel of triumph as soon as she gets a smile from the little girl. “What’s the red flag?” Cleo asks as if she didn’t understand what he meant.

“Uncle, what a surprise,” Iseul joins them. Jungkook turns to Iseul and for a second there is a look of shock on his face. He tries to hide it with a quick smile. “Iseul, it’s nice to see you here.” Cleo crosses her arms and asks, “Still a red flag?” Jungkook looks at her briefly, eyes partly hidden under his cap. He then turns to Iseul. “I’ll leave you guys to have fun then,” he says.

“We thought we could have fun together,” Cleo blurts out. “It’s been a while since I met Hana, it would be great if we go together,” Iseul comes to rescue. Jungkook squints his eyes at them and nods after a while anyway. “Hana, how are you? You were so small the last time I saw you,” Iseul pinches the little girl’s cheek, getting giggles out of her. “Hana is such a cute name. You are so cute,” Cleo bends to her level, hands on her knees. Hana shies away and hides behind Jungkook. She comes out immediately and touches her finger to Cleo’s mickey hat. “I like your hat,” she says and goes behind Jungkook again. Cleo is elated from the kid’s compliment. “You want one? Let’s go buy it, come on,” she extends her hand to Hana. Hana contemplates and looks at Jungkook. He smiles and nods, approving. “We will come back soon guys,” Cleo takes Hana's hand and makes it towards the tiny shop selling hats.

“Your friend,” Jungkook starts after Cleo leaves with Hana, “quite persistent,” he takes off his cap, releasing his luscious salt and pepper locks. “Oh no, this is coincidental, we didn’t know you were here,” Iseul defends Cleo. Jungkook drops his head and smiles. “I know. I’m saying, I know when someone is trying. It’s just bothersome sometimes you know,” he looks in the direction Cleo and Hana went. He turns to Iseul when he spots them returning. The look on his face isn’t friendly. Iseul huffs and looks at Cleo, smiling and talking to Hana as they walk towards them. “We never know. What is destined for us right? Uncle?” Jungkook darts his eyes away in thought.

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