Special Chapter

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"It shouldn't take too long, I am just dropping off a mechanical leg to one of the dock workers." Elek's creator said as she gathered her things. "Also, don't answer the door for anyone, no matter who it is." She added.

        "As you wish, Master." He just hoped she wouldn't be to long, sighing as she left through the front door. He tired to think of something he could do to past the time, rereading some of the books in the attic crossed his mind. It wouldn't keep him occupied for a long time, since he read at a higher speed then most humans, but at least it was something to keep his mind off of worrying about his creator.

        Going up the stairs to the attic, he sees the books that he got out yesterday on the floor. The top one on the stack was a fairy tale about a knight saving a princess from an evil warlock. Out of all the books he has read so far he would say that one is his favorite. The knight was so very brave to rescue the princess even though the odds were against him. And the princess was so thankful that she married him at the end of the book. 

        He can't help but hope for that someday, to marry someone that he loves and to keep them safe. He wonders if the knight kept the princess locked away, if he kept all those with malevolence away from their home. If he was the knight that is what he would do, he would make sure that the warlock wouldn't even have the chance to steal his princess away. 

        Picking up the book, he knocked down a box that was next to the stack. The contents of the box spilled onto the floor. It looked to be some pictures of children and some old gadgets. Putting the book under his arm, he lifted a picture and one of the gadgets.

        Looking at the gadget first, it was an some scrap metal that was in the shape of a bird. The was a windup key on the back, he turned it but nothing happened. Shaking it slightly he could hear some small metal bits lose. He set it down on top of the stack of books. Figuring that he will mess with it later, he turned his attention to the picture.

        The picture he picked up was of three children and an middle age man, he could tell right away that the one in the middle was his Master. She was covered in dirt and in rags. It made his chest ache to see her in such a state, the wasn't even a trace of a smile in her eyes. 

        The other two children were just as dirty, if not more. Another thing that was the same was a small patch on each of the rags they were wearing. He couldn't make it out from the picture, since it was old and worn, but he could tell that it was the same image as the sign they were standing in front of. He looked more closely to the child on his Master's right.

        The young child was a was taller then his creator but shorter then the other child. Her hair was in a side braid, he couldn't tell what color her hair was. Since the picture was in black and white. She looked like she wanted to burn whoever took the picture. The adult male hand was on her shoulder, he has a smile that Elek just wanted to burn off. He couldn't place it but that man was off somehow.

        Elek shook his head, erasing the thoughts that invading his head. He moved to the other child, the male was the tallest and he had a bandage over his right eye. It looked like the bandage was bloody, like the was a fresh wound. The young child was holding onto his Master's hand like his life....or hers, was on the line. 

        He tired to see what the building they were in front of was, but could see no defining marks or logos. After he went over the picture once more, he saw nothing new. He gathered up the rest of the pictures on the floor and put them under his arm along with the book. He went back down to the living-room, and set out the pictures and his book on the coffee table. Beginning to go over the other pictures, he realize that these pictures are going to tell him a lot about his Master.


        Putting down the book, he finally gave up on reading. He just couldn't get those pictures and all he learned out of his head. He never thought his dear Creator had such a past, of course those pictures didn't tell him that much, but he could connect the dots. And with the picture the dots made, he wanted to burn all the workhouses in the city. Then make sure his Master never went through anything like that again. 

        Elek knew that he couldn't always keep his Master safe, but what kind of knight is he if he can't even protect his princess from those who want to hurt her. And those people from her past might still be out there, they could come for her any time. He needs to be ready to defend her at anytime, and to start he needs to make sure the house is secure.

        Getting up, he started to look for the book about castles he saw last night while his Y/N was sleeping.....his.....his Creator, his Master, his Princess. Yes, Y/N was his, he loved her. Just like the knight loved the princess, he loved Y/N. He would make sure the warlock couldn't even think of hurting her. 

        He also has other duties, like keeping his Princess healthy. He has noticed that she never gets enough sleep, and she always works too much. Elek started to think of ways he can help as he got the book from the shelf of the workshop. Opening it, he looked at the index for the defense section. Going to the defenses, he saw all the ways he can protect her. He would need to get started now if he wanted to have dinner ready in time.


        Author's Note

        Thank you all for reading, I can't express how much joy this book and every one of you reading this gives me. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!

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