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I know exactly who it is. 

"Klaue. Plus eight." Nakia says and I can sense the eagerness in her voice.

"General. Soldier." T'Challa says, asking if we are ready.

"In position." I say, "Ready to secure our exit."

"And the vibranium?" T'Challa asks.

"I don't see it yet." Nakia says. She has abandoned her drink at the bar and walks around the edges of the rooms.

"I thought there were no weapons allowed in here."

"There's not supposed to be."

"Somebody did not get the memo." Okoye looks back at a couple of Klaue's men, "Definetly armed." Klaue walks over to Ross. He is a short man with an uncombed beird with tatoos running over his ears and behind his neck. They talk, Klaue looks interested but Ross looks annoyed, as usual.

"Six more." Okoye whispers, I look over and see another group of men, all armed, walk through a set of sliding doors. "It's a set up."

"It's a lot complicated now." I say quietly. I stay calm but I think of all the possible outcomes in this situation. Klaue gets away. Maybe I get arrested. Maybe someone dies. There's a good chance of a shoot-out right now with all the armed men. I kind of want to punch Ross in the face, that's a possiblity too.

"We need to move on Klaue." Nakia says, she's now at a table but not really into the game.

"Stand down." T'Challa orders, "We can't afford a shoot-out." There goes that one, but there's still a chance. I look back at Ross. He looks disgusted. I take a second glance and I am too. Klaue is pulling a brown paper sack out of his pants.

"Vibranium spotted." I say, "I need to wash my eyes now."

"It's now or never." Nakia says and starts to get up from her position.

"Stand down!" Okoye says in Xhosa. "I've been made." She adds. I look over at her and she's beating up some guys with her spear. I run over to help her out but one of Klaue's guys grabs me by the hair and pulls me back. He's tall with scruffy hair and an eyebrow piercing. I swing a punch at him and hit him in the side. He counter attacks but I dodge it in time. There are gunshots and screaming all through the room. 

Two more guys gang up on me and it a fight, one to three. One guy with blonde hair lunges at me. I grab his arm, twist it behind his back, and elbow him on the back of his neck. The scruffy man comes at me. He swings and I duck. I kick the back of his knee and he falls down and I take the chance to grab his gun from his belt. I aim it at the last dude and he freezes. I freeze for a second too.

I'm not a killer anymore.

I shoot his foot instead and he screams in pain and falls to the floor, next to the two other guys. Suddenly there is money flying all over. T'Challa fell to the lower level and Nakia and Okoye run after Klaue. I follow them outside and we go back into the car. 

"Do we just leave him?" Okoye asks, refering to T'Challa.

"He's fine." I answer.

"He'll catch up." Nakia adds and throws a vibranium EMP bead on another car. I climb into the backseat, Okoye in the passenger, and Nakia is driving. We chase after Klaue but it's hard to tell where he is because he has four identical trucks. 

"Which one is he in now?" Nakia says. The trucks start to go in different directions and it's hard to keep track.

"They're splitting up. Take the right." I say and we start following two of the trucks who start to shoot at us.

"Guns." Okoye says, unamused, "So primitive." She has this stern, consentrated look on her face. 

"what are you doing?" Nakia asks, confused.

"Just drive." She responds, rolling down the window. She climbs out of it and gets on top of the car. She pierces her spear into the roof to help her stay stable. Once there's a clear shot, the throws her other spear straight into the middle of one of Klaue's trucks.

"Woo!" Nakia and I cheer for her at the same time. We speed over a hilltop and go airborn. We land roughly back on the road.

"There he is." Nakia spots Klaue and presses harder on the gas pedal. "Hold tight!" 

"Here we go." I mumble. The truck goes down a kill and I lose sight. Okoye is ready to throw another spear as we go over the same hill but there's a blast that hits our car that sends debris flying everywhere. Okoye is airborn, reaching for her spear and Nakia's car seat skids down the road. I fly out of my seat and roll down the street until I hit a tire. 

"Oh, I think I broke a rib." I exclaim. Nakia rushes over and helps me up as a suburban pulls up next to us. The window rolls down and it's Agent Ross. My chest tightens and I can't tell if it's because Ross has the authority to arrest me or because of all the extreme pain I'm in.

"Hop in." Ross invites us, "You can put that sphere in the trunk." He says akwardly to Okoye who disregards what Ross says as she collapses her sphere into a small knife. She holds onto it as she sits down in the back seat of the suburban.

Nakia throws my arm over her shoulders and helps me over to the vehicle and carefully sets me in the backseat and then she settles herself in the passenger seat. Before going, Ross looks back at me and I can tell he wants to arrest me.

"You okay Scarlett?" Agent Ross asks me, but there's barely any concern in his voice.

"I'm fine."

The Scarlett SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now