Welcome to HoloFest Live!

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Y/N: The build-up is here. Nijisanji and Hololive collab chapters. There will be multiple chapters for this event. I had a vote, and spitting this into parts won. Instead of one giant chapter, I'll be making these several smaller chapters. I've heard some people like smaller parts instead, so I'll give it a try. We'll be introducing multiple new characters, so let's start.

Morning time? A pity, but almost a universal must. It's time to wake. Or it would be if you weren't already awake and at work.

Y/N: "Looks like my early morning habits are coming in handy."

Motoaki: "Yes, and I'm sincerely grateful for them."

Y/N: "Is this all for the festival?"

Motoaki: "Yup, and we have more coming later. But by then, Coco should be able to help us."

Y/N: "Kaichou's pretty strong, huh?"

Motoaki: "The strongest. Although, there is someone who is considered stronger."

Y/N: Woah! Who would be even more powerful than a dragon? "Is it anyone I've met?"

Motoaki: "Not yet. She's an angel."

Y/N: "In what way?"

Motoaki: "Literally."

Y/N: "Oh."

Motoaki: "She's kinda seiso as well."

Y/N: "Will I meet her soon?"

Motoaki: "You'll meet pretty much everyone on the jp side during the festival."

Y/N: "Does that mean?"

Motoaki: "You'll be one step closer to your end goal."

Y/N: "One step?"

Motoaki: "Sorry to say, but we just debuted an entirely new generation."

Y/N: "Motoaki, the hell man?"

Motoaki: "Sorry, but we've been planning this for a minute. Don't worry. You'll meet everyone soon after."

Y/N: "Then I can moderate jp streams, right?"

Motoaki: "Yup."

Mio: "Oi! Everyone! Where are you!"

Y/N: "We're over here!"

Mio comes running into the run.

Mio: "Oh, there you guys are."

Y/N: "What are you doing here so early?"

Mio: "I have a stall with Ayame."

Y/N: "Oh, and what are you guys doing?"

Mio: "Sorry, it's a secret. Besides, it's more fun if you don't know."

Y/N: "Alright then. I'll visit you guys first. I'll try and be first in line if I can."

Mio: "That's the spirit! If we don't see you ten minutes after opening, I'll assume you got lost."

Y/N: "I probably will get lost..."

Mio: "Our stall will have a wolf with glasses on the front of it."

Y/N: "Anyone I should be looking out for?"

Mio: "Fubuki's stall isn't what it seems. She'll take all your money if you let her."

Y/N: "Good to know."

Aloe: "This festival seems promising."

Y/N: "Have you been to one?"

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