Chapter 33: How they did it

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Flashback, 5th march(one day before the vote)

Honami POV

School is over and I'm currently scrolling my phone.

I don't know what to do..

I want to save my friend but...

I don't want to date Nagumo senpai either.

I mean, that's given. Who would want to date a guy they don't even love.

Even someone like me wouldn't do that.


What should I do...

I opened my line chat with Nagumo senpai.

Nagumo: [So, how is it Honami. How about our deal? you have until midnight to decide. So think it over.]

I looked at the time on my phone that showed its already 16.41.

My time is short....

The skies are already started darkening too.

The only thing I have to do is send 'yes' and it will be over.

???: "you're hesitating."

I turned back at the person who spoke to me.

It was Shiba Tatsuya kun.

Honami: "Shiba kun...what brings you here?"

Tatsuya: "Why I'm here doesn't matter. What matters is you hesitated. I wonder why is that..."

Honami: "!"

Tatsuya: "You didn't reply to him because you don't want to become his girlfriend no?"


Tatsuya: "Nagumo Miyabi offered you a deal. And you don't want to accept it. But at the same time, that's the only way to save your class."

Honami: "H-how did you..."

Tatsuya: "Don't underestimate me. I have a lot of networks around me you know."

Honami: "I seems you're not the vice president for nothing..

Shiba kun decides to turn back.

Tatsuya: "Follow your heart. Its okay to be selfish sometimes. You don't have to feel guilty."

Honami: "Guilty? I-I'm not-"

Tatsuya: "You're feeling guilty because you already received a lot of help didn't you?"

Lot of help? does he means...

Tatsuya: "That's why you didn't ask either me or Kiyotaka. You don't want to bother us. You know we can help you, but you don't want to show weakness to us. That's why you didn't ask us."

This cracked my composure...


Tatsuya: "Follow your heart. I have no intention of making you rely on me. But I just wanted to tell you, think thoroughly."

He figured out my intention.

But, they already done a lot for me.

I wonder if they'll actually help me.

They already helped me before, I don't want to burden them anymore...But...what should I do....

Tatsuya: "Crave that into your mind. And I don't mind helping you, to be honest." Said Shiba kun who begins to walk away..

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