Chapter 34

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    Seeing Tian Tieshi's determination, and the stubbornness and coldness on Li Qingnuan's face, Old Man Tian finally recollected it afterwards. This time it was a big deal. It seems that now that life is involved, this Dafang is no longer foolish and filial. As for the separation of families, Old Man Tian would never agree.

    He knew in his heart that as long as he didn't let go, even if Dafang succumbed to death, he wouldn't be able to separate his family. At most, he and his wife would have a reputation for being unkind. But that's better than having his own son go to death.  

     "Dead woman, it's almost done, howling ghost!" Old man Tian knocked the extinguished pan on the edge of the kang, and shouted to the wailing Zhang who was doing his best. After Zhang Shi stopped talking, he looked at Tian Tieshi, who is like a cow, with great earnestness, "Dafang, the day before yesterday, I have asked your uncle Tian to enter the genealogy for you."

        Ha ha, Li Qingnuan directly  sneered, her eyes flowed and the chill seemed to ooze from her bones, and she said, "My daughter-in-law is a woman with long hair and short knowledge, but I don’t know when Tian’s genealogy is so easy to enter? I didn’t even use the words of my husband. will Dad really do it?" 

        she really doesn’t know how big this genealogical surname is, not to mention it involves a lot of publicity, There is the three taels of silver donated to the ancestor’s cemetery, I am afraid that Old Man Tian will not bear it.

      At this moment, it is said that the man from her family has entered the genealogy. Who is fooling who? Of course, it is also possible that the old man Tian heard about the military service in advance, and then he took the money to do this thing cruelly.  

       Zhang's heart was a little frustrated when Li Qingnuan looked at her. Seeing the old man's speechless being asked, she felt an inexplicable irritation in her heart.

     She has been in the Tian family for so many years and has not been so embarrassed. Now she can’t get off the stage. She just picked up the kang-sweeping broom from the kang’s head and jumped to the ground. past.   

     Tian Tieshi was protecting his wife, and was pumped by his mother with a cold face, without saying a word. While Xiao Zhang and the other children watched the show with their thighs patted on the side, they didn't mean to go forward and pull the frame at all.   

       Li Qingnuan took her man to hide behind Tian Jiacheng and Xiao Zhang. After going back and forth, the house became a mess within a short while. And Xiao Zhang was also beaten up by Zhang, who was blushing. He really wanted to beat Li Qingnuan half to death.

    Xiao Zhang is not a good stubborn. She was crushed by her mother-in-law on weekdays, and had to wait on her after doing the work. Now she was beaten again, and immediately leaned away with her hips akimbo. Although she didn't dare to actually do it, she took advantage of the messy noise and pushed her mother-in-law several times. 

      "You little bitch who kills a thousand knives, shameless scumbag, scourge of the gods, the old lady cursed you to die and the man was ruined, gave birth to a girl with a rotten tongue, gave birth to a son with no ass/eyes. ....."

    Zhang was tired from the fight, and she was dragged by her second and third son on the left and right, so shy blushed and pointed at Tian Tieshi who had left the main house and cursed with Li Qingnuan. Those words were hard to hear, in the slightest. No morals.   

     Even if Li Qingnuan prepares again, Zhang's anger with her mouth full of dung is not light. Even if she has met a scumbag in her previous life, she is just cheating and a green tea bitch. How can Zhang's mouth be so disgusting? But to really let her do it, she really didn't dare, this world is like this, no matter how wrong the elders are, they will only be laughed at by people, but if the younger ones dare to do it, it will not be an exaggeration.

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