🍒 accused

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Sorry guys, actually I got a cold so I was unable to update sooner . I am still not well so please co-operate with me. I' ll try to update on regular basis.

When karan came to know about this he really was upset and directly went to Teju for talk.

" What are you doing ?? Do you think you can win over me ?" Karan said with superiority in his voice.

" Ofcourse I can win " teju replied back with same tone as karan.

"Listen , it is not about win or lose. It's about responsibilities. " Karan said as tried to explain teju . He knew teju was not mature and being a class president is not only about position but with lots of responsibility . But in one part of his brain he knew teju was stubborn , whatever karan do , she will never agree with karan.

" So you think I am not responsible" teju said as she took a step forward to karan and said again " listen mister! I can take responsibility of all my actions"

" After getting drunk, you don't even remember your actions then how will you take responsibility of that " karan said as he also took a step forward to teju.

" W..what..ac... action ?" Teju stuttered as now she was remembering little by little what she had done with karan last night. Karan understood everything from her expression like a open book.

" So , you didn't tell me, how's my lips taste? Do you want to taste it again ? " Karan said as he again took a step closer to her. Now their bodies were very close to eachother . Only a thickness of few paper gap was left between them. Karan raised his hand and hold teju's chin and lifted it slightly upward and looked straight in teju eyes . Teju's face started getting hot , her cheeks turned pink. Yes ! She was blushing but karan didn't stop there. He came closer to her ear and whispered .

" Your lips tasted very sweet. I 'll definately like to taste them again. " Karan whispered and left from there.

" Oh my god !! What he just said , is that real. Why I am feeling so hot suddenly. My heart beats, it's too loud. Did he heard my heartbeat . No..no..no..what would he be thinking about me now. Ahh...I am feeling so shameful" diya thought in her mind witha mixed of expression and ran away from there.

Both of them where experiencing something new which makes butterfly in their stomach but both were unknown to the fact that , they were not alone their, Shamita was listening to their entire conversation and was full of anger, despised and jealousy towards teju. She couldn't take this anymore and wanted to teach a good lesson to teju so she stay away from karan and karan becomes completely hers.

" No, I can't let teju take what's mine. I have crush on Karan from a long time , I love him and one day he will be mine. I have to remind her what's her status is" Shamita thought in her mind.

Teju was walking towards her class room thinking to gain more votes so she can win over karan and prove herself as a responsible one but From nowhere a boy suddenly pop out infront of her.

" Hey you, gold digger. What you think of yourself. Don't forget where you come from " the boy said teju .

" What is your problem?" Teju asked .

" My problem. Tsk! My problem is people like you. Just because Kundras provided you a roof on your head and feed you out of pitty , you think yourself as one of Kundra's. Don't forget people feed dogs and provide them roof too but they will always remain as dog, never count in human "  the boy said mockingly.

"Mind you language. You don't have any rights to talk with me in this manner " teju said sternly.

" He..he... Do I need any rights to talk with people like you and to remind you your standard. Don't think highly of yourself you bitch. Kundra's are doing this only out of pitty. " Boy said.

" I don't need you suggetion on what should I think . Mind your business " teju replied with a straight face.

" Stop bewitching around karan , you think you can seduce him. You don't even have good figure. No class , no money, no status you are just a orphan and a whore .you can never able to make your position in Kundra's mansion " the boy said with despisiin his tone.

Teju frowned at this. She can't take this humiliation anymore. She has enough of all this shit. She kicked that boy in reaction but the boy was also not in mood of giving up and after getting kicked by a mere girl he felt very humiliated . Few students had gathered around watching this free show and we're evident that the boy got kicked by teju so out of rage he raised his hand to slap teju.

Take care
Bye bye 💜

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