Las Nevadas + Pixandria

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Pixl blinked. The slime smiled. The scar man frowned.

Apologies had been briefly spoken by the Scar man to Pixlriffs for accidentally trying to put him in the early grave with an axe.

But now things were very, very awkward.

"So. You want to stay here for a while?" Questioned Pix.

The slime nodded his head. "Quackity's wing got really badly damaged, and it's a deeper wound than I expected. I can't treat it properly, and so now he just needs to rest and recover."

Scar man, or Quackity, let out a huffy sigh, tossing his ink black hair back under his beanie.

Pixl slowly looked at Quakity's wing, to see the bright yellow feathers indeed bloody. Infection, even, seemed to edge the wound.

Pix sighed. "Well, I can't say no to an injured visitor, even if he tried to kill me with an axe." The slime shrugged.

"Quackity is very touchy, and fidgety, and protective. Especially since Techno escaped the prison."

Quackity groaned. "Tell him more state secrets, huh?" 

Suddenly, he yelped in pain, wincing as his wing brushed a sandstone building.

"We really need to get your wing treated, visitor," noted Pixlriffs. "That only means one person who can help, though."

"Let's find GeminiTay."

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