Chapter 11

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Please do enjoy this Chapter!

Life continued to be utterly boring, for some reason, Artemis was miserable. She tried to convince herself that it wasn't because of the hostility between herself and Newt, but, it really was. She'd pass him without a word. Or he'd walk into the kitchen and there'd be a uncomfortable silence. This went on for days, that is, until, the box came up next.

Artemis was walking to the kitchen when a siren sounded, she stopped for a moment as all the boys dropped what they were doing and started to walk in the same direction towards...the box. She stopped a passing boy, "Liam, what's happening?"

"End a the month. New Greenie. Come on." They walked to the box together, the others were all crowded around, Artemis could tell they were wondering more or less the same thing. Would they be receiving another girl. The siren stopped, Alby and Newt went forward to open the doors, After some hustle and bustle they had the new Greenie out. It was a boy. Artemis wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. There was some disturbance, and Artemis walked forward to see that the boy had dark hair and dark, very dark eyes, he was lean and quite handsome, actually. He looked confused and distraught. She imagined that's how she must've looked. She sighed she could see Alby and Newt talking to the boy, Alby had his usual frustrated expression on. He sighed and said something to Newt and walk away, Newt walked towards her, the Greenie trailing behind. She gulped and stopped walking. For a second nobody said anything, then Newt cleared his throat. "Artemis, this is Thomas, the new Greenie. You are going to show him around, and help him out, I'll take him for the tour tomorrow. Bloody Greenies keep showin up late" he started to walk away, "Whoa. Why exactly am I doing this?" She asked. He turned to her and she noticed how tired he looked, he had bags under his eyes, but that was enough to worry Artemis. Stop she chided herself Don't worry yourself. He can handle it

"Because, I bloody well said so, Artemis, now get going"

"Okay! Okay! Jeez.... Hold on to your undies."

Newt was already walking away, but he stopped and said, "'Hold on to your undies'? Who says that?" With that he left.

Artemis turned to the Greenie, "Hey."

He'd been looking at the walls, his head snapped down, "Hey."

"Well then, let's go Thomas ..."

He nodded. But then he couldn't seem to help himself, "What...those walls...they're so..."

"Huge? Impossible? Curiosity inducing? Well don't ask, I don't think I can tell you...much." She started walking. He followed.

"I don't see any other girls."

"Oh, really now?" She smirked, "that's cause there aren't any. You're pretty curious aren't you? Bet Alby didn't like that."

Thomas snorted, "Not at all. He's pretty..."

"Intimidating?" She suggested

"Yep." Thomas said. "The other one, Newt is...OK, I guess."

She smiled, "He is...annoying, but okay."

Thomas sighed, "I..." He sighed again.

"You're confused, aren't you?"

He nodded.


He nodded again.

"A little scared?"

He looked like he was going to deny it, but  thought better, "A lot scared" his voice cracked a little.

"I was scared too... I bet there isn't anyone here who wasn't scared. But you gets a little better, there are really tolerable people here, some are even nice"

He chuckled dryly, "like you?"

"Yeah...but wait till you hear the stories  about me, you won't think I'm so nice then."

"They're just stories, right?" He asked.

"Some of them." Artemis had tried to ignore some of the dark stares she'd receive from a few of the boys. She knew there were rumors circulating, she knew they all heard about the forming scars on Newts back, the scars that spelled out her name.

"Great, way to increase my curiosity." Thomas groaned.

"Sorry." They reached Chuck, "Hey Chuckles."

"Hey, Missie, Greenie."

"His name's Thomas" Artemis said at the same time Thomas said, "My name's Thomas"

"Okay, Thomas" Chuck said.

"How come there's only one tent?" Thomas asked, gesturing to the tent behind Chuck.

"It belongs to me." Missie said.


"I'm female... You guys are all male, it's pretty obvious. Man, and here I thought I'd finally come across a smart one"

Thomas sat on the ground next to Chuck. "Has anyone ever told you...never mind?"

"Told me what?" She asked,

"Nothin'. How long have you been here?"

She shrugged, "I've only been here for a month."

He shuddered.

"Chuck, go and get Thomas something to eat." She ordered

"But it's waaay after lunch! Frypan will have a fit!" The boy complained.

"Tell him I sent you. And if he hesitates tell him I'll do two weeks worth of dishes."

Chuck sighed and left.

He returned five minutes later with a sandwich and a glass of water then left to go do some work.

"Thanks." Thomas said. She furrowed her brows. "For what?"

"I don't know...being nice I guess." Instead of teasing him she smiled. "I kinda like you Thomas."

"You ain't half bad either." He teased.

"Pssht. I'm awesome."

"How many personalities do you have?" He asked

"What do you mean?"


"Yeah, right."

That night she retired to her tent a bit late, making sure Thomas was settled in. She fell into a restless sleep. She continued to toss and turn. When she woke up for the fifth time, she was aware of a hand covering her mouth, the owner of it was kneeling next to her. She tried to scream, but found that only a muffled squeal could be heard. She couldn't see her attacker.

"Shhh. I need you to come outside with me."

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