100: High School Student 08

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Zong Yan held the homework sheets in his hands, his fingers trembling.

He hadn't tried to stay awake last night because he knew he had self-study in the morning. If he hurried, he could still finish the rest of his homework before it was due.

What he wasn't expecting was that when he got to the classroom and looked at his homework, it was already covered with words.

And when Zong Yan took a closer look, the handwriting was identical to his own, one and the same, but Zang Yan had a clear memory of how much he hadn't written before he fell asleep.

Especially for the eight hundred-character essay. Zong Yan only started on it yesterday, and barely wrote two or three hundred characters. The remaining half of the paper wasn't filled in. How could he possibly wake up today and find the rest of it already completed?

Was it possible to imagine things in your sleep?

As Zong Yan rubbed his temples an absurd idea occurred to him.

He wasn't the only one in the house. There was also a god.

Which led to the question, would an evil god help him with his homework?

But it was easier for Zong Yan to believe he'd forgotten how much he wrote. He couldn't imagine the great Lord of Time and Space would help him with his homework.

...It's such a fantastic image I don't even dare to think about it.

But the truth soon came to light.

In his afternoon Chinese class, the teacher was so amazed at Zong Yan's essay that she read it to the class.

"The starry sky is vast and profound, and a multitude of races and far more superior species exist throughout the universe. Therefore human beings should not be arrogant and proud, but examine themselves with full awareness of their utter insignificance...."

The Chinese teacher spoke eloquently, reading from the essay in her hand. The classroom was silent. The students turned to stare at Zong Yan sitting in the back of the room with admiring expressions.

Their Chinese teacher was a bit of a maverick. High school essays generally followed a formula: state a thesis, add supporting arguments, then conclude with a summary. After a while, most students wrote essays according to a template, relying on a standard set of arguments and ideas to score points.

Although the Chinese teacher taught the class how to write good high school essays according to the accepted formula, she privately detested this model and encouraged them to state their own opinions in their homework assignments.

"This essay, if it were written for the college entrance exam, might not even score thirty points. But in my mind, it will always be a perfect essay."

The teacher concluded with such a high evaluation, and the classroom was suddenly filled with half-suppressed laughter.

Zong Yan: "..."

He was now completely certain that such a sweeping and painful literary critique of the entire human race could never have been written by a science track student like himself.

If he hadn't written it, the only possible culprit was Yog-Sothoth.

Who would ever imagine something like that?!

Zong Yan took his workbook back with complicated feelings. As he looked at the handwriting that matched his own, his mood was extraordinarily difficult to put into words.

Lately the Lord of Time and Space was being a little too nice to him.

Not only did he not actively persecute Zong Yan, the evil god even helped him do his homework. Two days ago Zong Yan woke up late. Yog patiently suspended time to let Zong Yan sleep in. What was even more frightening was that a few days ago Zong Yan forgot to buy groceries. When he opened the refrigerator in the evening, he found it empty. Just when Zong Yan was feeling frustrated and decided to order some takeout, the gray-haired evil god glanced at the empty shelves and snapped his fingers. A moment later, the refrigerator was filled with unknown alien food ingredients.

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