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Alrighty, it did something weird and published it in the place I had started it, after the chapter poker so Im now publishing it again. Sorry for those who already stated it.
And I realized there was a part I still needed to fix up, so ignore that

The Kwamis all had tears in thier eyes as they flew up and to the Stark Towers.
When they got there, they slipped through an open window and to the first person they saw, which just so happened to be Clint when he jumped out of the vents. "Wow, what are you guys doing here? Wait a minute, where is Marinette?"
"Hydra!" Tikki exclaimed.
He became panicked as he snatched the three kwamis from the air and sprinted out of the room. "Friday, get everyone here now! Its about Marinette and Hydra!"

Avengers P.O.V.

"What do you mean they took her? Why were they out alone?" Tony yelled frustrated.
Tikki and the kwamiis all were flying around anxiously as they told them all everything.
And then thats when Hwiemdall decided to enter, carrying an unconscious Peter.
He dropped him in Thors arms before pulling out a thick roll of parchment and swiped everything off of the table in front of him.
A weak noise of protest was made by Pepper, with nothing really backing it as he unrolled it, revealing dozens of picturea of people fighting in... miraculous costumes?
"There is many things unknown about the miraculous and what they do to their holders, but once in a millennium there becomes a Guardian unlike all the others. They will be strong, confident, fearless, and pure. There has only been one other, and that was in the beginning. And when one of these Guardians come forward, there are true holders of the miraculous. The Guardian will surround themselves with these holders, relying on them for support as both civillian and hero. Right now I feel multiple true holders, and I felt an incredibly strong power when I met her."
"What...what exactly are you saying Hiemdall?" Loki questioned stepping forward and examining the parchment.
"Im saying I believe she is a Grand Guardian, a true holder of all miraculous."

Later, to Marinette.

"Where are the miraculous?" The Hydra agent spat.
Marinette grinned despite one eye swollen shut and a shoot bloody lip. "I have no idea what you are talking about. You might have better luck in Paris."
Her cheeky remark was rewarded with another punch in the gut, causing Marinettes breath to falter for a moment before she went back to smiling.
"They'll never come for me. After all, I'm just a French student. So don't even try."
The soldier smiled coldly. "I wouldn't be so sure Miss Dupain-Cheng."
Marinette gasped and started struggling against the ropes. "No! Please, just let him go! JAMES! James, you have to leave! Please just let him go," she begged.
"Ah ah ah Miss Dupain-Cheng. We have two of the most deadliest soldiers in our grasp, we wont be letting go of you two any time soon. Bring ihn rein(bring him in(Google translated)). I do hope you have a good stay Miss Dupain-Cheng."
He left the room as four soldiers wrestled a bad looking Bucky into the room. Two different soldiers came in and unchained Marinette, holding her back as the others chained Bucky into the chair she had previously been occupying, all the while the two were yelling and screaming curses.
Once they got him secured in the chair, the four exited before the two holding Marinette. Once the rope was cuffs were unlocked they pushed her forward and she fell on her hands and knees as they closed the door behind them.
Slowly, she got up and crawled over to Bucky, using his chair as leverage to pull him up.
"Are you okay James?" She rasped out.
Bucky shook his head sadly. "Its all my fault, Im so sorry Marinette, I should've been able to protect you."
Marinette smiled sadly at the man chained to the chair in front of her, the one who had his head hung low in shame.
She cupped his face gently and tilted it up, a soft smile on her face. "Oh James, this isnt your fault, ok?"
When he tried to look away, she forced him to look at her.
"This is not your fault James. If anything its mine. If I wasnt being stupid and reckless, I wouldnt have been kidnapped. And if I hadnt been kidnapped then you wouldnt be here. I got reckless and you paid the price." Marinette closed her eyes and let go of his face, although Bucky still watched her.
With her eyes still closed she spoke softly, "They are going to do bad things James. To both of us, but I think its-it won't hurt you physically, at least not in the beginning. I heard them... I heard them talking, and thier planning on getting the information on the miraculous...from you. They know I wont talk, especially since Im the Guardian, and they must know you know something."
She took a deep breath and opened her eyes to meet sad blue ones. Her tense posture relaxed as tears filled her eyes.
"They're going to hurt me James. Bad. I know it. I heard it. And I also know you are going to break. You'll tell them what they want to know."
When he opened his mouth to protest, she just smiled and shook her head, cutting him off. "We both know its true. You're to kind for your own good James. You'll try to stop them from hurting me and-and-and I cant let you do that. Now, we have two options." Her voice started cracking as tears streamed down her face.
"One, you keep your memories and risk the chance you tell them everything, ot two. You-you wont be able to tell them anything, even if you wanted."
Bucky watched as her bottom lip quivered as she attempted to regain her composure. "How?"
"As Guardian of all miraculous, I have talents that others don't. I can take your memories. All the ones containing me or the miraculous. But I can let you keep this memory, so you know whats happening. But you'd forget everthing about the miraculous, about my friends, about anything miraculous related besides the basics. But youd also forget about me James, and Im okay with that. Well, Ive already made my choice, but its your decision. So choose, because we arent getting out of this anytime soon. I know that, and you know that."
"I... I choose... I choose option B."
They both smiled sadly at each other at the tiny joke, but it didnt stop the heartbreak from staying in the twos eyes.
"Alright James. Thus is for the better. I cant be subjected to any mind manipulation, so as long as neither one of us talk, they cant make you into the Winter Soldier again, ok? Now, this will hurt, but you'll be fine. Ready?"
"Yeah doll, Im ready."

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