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Sam and Tucker walks to Danny's house. Jazz hade called and said that They needed to talk.

They knew that Danny was aggravated. They even hade to call jazz at some point during the day, to help calm down Danny.

Tucker and Sam ran as soon as Fenton works came in to view. They rang the door bell.

Maddie opens the door. Sam and Tucker awkwardly walks in. " So what's wrong?" Tucker really didn't want to know, but he hade to.

Maddie, jack and jazz looked at Sam and Tucker sympathetically. " Danny, he won't stop freaking out. Jazz told us what happened, but no matter what we do, we can't get through to him. Jack said.

He looked scared for his only son. Tucker and Sam both glanced at Danny's room. They ware determined to help there best friend. Even if they hade to get rid of his powers, they would do that.

" Maybe we can." Sam hade fear in her eyes. She didn't want to see her friend like this. " Is he in his room?"

Jazz shook her head. Sam and Tucker looked at eace other. They both walked up the star case.

As soon as Danny's room came to view, they took a deep breath, they opened the door and was immediately taken over with fear.

In the corner was Danny. His shirt was ripped, his pants was all covered in dirt and was ripped slightly. He hade dirt on his hands, arms and face. His hair was messy and covered in dirt.

Tucker and Sam stood there. Scared to death at what there friend hade done to look like this.

Danny looked up at them. His eyes held pure rage. He stood up witch made Tucker and Sam back up a little. Ware they really afraid of him?

Danny walked a little closer. His hands lit up green. He hade an evil grin on his face, witch sent shivers down Sam and Tucker's spines.

" Come to talk some sense in to me too? I don't know why I'm surprised. I should have known." Sam and Tucker didn't know Danny could sound evil. Even more dark then Dan Phantom.

" Why?" Was Sam's reply, and her only one. Why is he acting like this? She thought.

Danny only glared at them. " You people make me sick." He hissed. " I don't know why I wanted to be the 'hero' of amity. they never treated me fairly."

Tucker and Sam glared at him. " Danny, your a good parson. Don't let them get to you. that never bothered you before, why now?" Tucker said. Danny looked at him and Tucker immediately baked up.

" Danny, I can't believe your acting like this." Sam stepped closer to Danny, who backed up and glared.

" You don't know how it feels! People think that I'm the bad guy!! THEY THOUGHT THAT I WAS JUST ACTING LIKE THE HERO, WHEN REALLY I WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP!!!!" Danny's eyes was now a bright toxic green.

Maddie, Jack and Jazz all ran to Danny's room as soon as they hade herd him screaming.

Danny was breathing so heavy, he sook as rage took over him. He turned in to Phantom and phased through the roof.

Tucker shook his head, he turned to face the gabbing family as they watched.

" We need a plan, and fast." They all looked at Tucker, not sure what to do. " Does any one have any ideas?"

They all looked at eace other. Maddie clapped her hands, a plan already in her head. " Jack! Do you know ware the Fenton bracelet is?" Jack nodded his head. " Yeah, it's in the lab. Why?"

Maddie smiled. " Well, we can use that. it'll keep him form using his powers long enough for us to talk some sense in to him." Maddie said with confidence.

They all stared at her for a moment. " But how do we get it on him?" Sam said.

Maddie shrugged. " I don't know." Jack instantly brightened up. " The Fenton thermos!" He said in excitement.

They all hade for got about the Fenton thermos, how could they. It was one of there best inventions. " Yeah, we just need to suck Danny in the FT." Jazz said.

" We could billed a Cage out of his DNA." Jack said. Sam looked at Jack with a raised eye prow. " Ware are we going to get his DNA if we can't even talk to him?" Sam said.

Jack looked at Sam with a big grin on his face. " I may have gotten some for things like this." Then they all Leaned in to here the plan.

They all nodded there heads and got to work.

Meanwhile, Danny sat in a dark corner of an ally, his back against the wall, clutching his head as he cried.

He hated being the hero, he doesn't know why he was in the first place. He only did it to make the people he loved happy. He was never happy.

He all ways wanted to be the bad guy. No one ever though he was good any ways. They treated him with no respect, Fenton or Phantom.

But deep In side, he knew he needed to talk to some one. He juts didn't know who.

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