Chapter 22 (Capella's journey in the unknown city)

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Lust was trying to create something new from hotdog. He tried to distort the hotdog many times but he wasn't satisfied until...

Lust: hey everyone, look! I created a hotman!

Lust distorted the hotdog and he created a mini human version of hotdog. It's new style of hotdog. The whole body was sausage and costume was bread. Intestines were some other ingredients for hotdog.

OG: oh shit! The hotman!

Troll: nice one, buddy. Heheheh.

The others were watching at the new hotdog with great interest.

Men 2: that's cool but lord... Can you create a...

Lust already knew what he was thinking about so he distorted another hotdogs proportions for him.

Lust: done.

When lust distorted proportions of hotdog he created a hotwoman. The female version of hotman.

Men2: holy shit! He did it!

Troll took one of the hotdogs and he ran away as fast as possible.

Lust: ...why...

OG: can I...

Lust: fine! You can take one.

OG took the hotdog and he ran away with troll.

Men3: what are you going to do with this, lord?

Lust: answer is Infront of you, guys.

Lust said with prideful face while he was putting on his special McDonald's hat.

Men2: McDonald's?

Lust: it's in special menu right now.

Men 1: I like special menu.

Men4: anyway lord, what to do with the archbishop of lust?

Lust: just let her be. She will be without her own authority inside of this barrier so she is harmless.

They were looking at the girl with neutral expressions while they were drinking orange juice.

Men1: what now?

Lust: since I created this new style of hotdog, let's create a party in the castle!

Men 3: and what are we celebrating?

Lust: new style of hotdog! Meet me at my castle at 9PM. Party will last all night.

Everyone: YES SIR!

Lust: nice.

After that everyone left the area.

(With troll and og)

Og: We took hotdogs and ran away. What's next?

Troll: ...let's just sit down on the ground like an idiots and eat hotdogs.

Og: I like your idea.

They sat down on the grass and started to eat their hotdogs. When they ended eating hotdogs, they fell asleep on the ground. While they were sleeping, lust came and dragged them both in the castle by gripping his hand on their legs.

Lust: same as always.

(Time skip)

The girls body starts to function again. Her eyes turned into her normal colour. When she woke up, she started to breath deeply.

???: Where am I? What's this place? And why do I feel like someone was poking me with something?

She had many questions, but nobody answered on them because there wasn't people anymore.

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