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TW Trauma, flashbacks, PTSD, abuse, sa, vomit, blood, slight NSFW, child abuse, very disgusting, horrible men, screaming/caps.

This fic isn't for the faint of heart. Please read at your own risk. Its also a long and graphic one, so buckle up. Also a very wholesome ending.

Mikan was trapped. Trapped in this horrible memory. She just wanted it all to end. This memory was one she could never forget. It played in her mind constantly. It wouldn't stop. She hated it.

Mikan was curled up in the smallest, darkest, spot she could find. She felt safe. They wouldn't find her. She hoped.

Mikan was frozen in a fetal position, another memory played out. A very bad one.


Mikan was sitting in her room, playing with dolls. She acted like a normal 4 year old at the time. Until *it* happened. Her mother called for her to come downstairs "Mikan! Come downstairs! We have visitors!"

Mikan, being the good child she was, obediently put her dolls away and went downstairs. She wore a long, purple dress with spaghetti straps. Her hair was tied up in pigtails using blue and purple beads.

When she got downstairs, she saw a bunch of big men and a guilty, pained expression on her mother's face. She looked at her mother in confusion, "Mama who are dese peopwe?" She asked innocently.

"Th-the...uhm...the...your babysitters..." her mother responded in a shaky voice.

"Okay Mama! Will you be weaving soon?" She asked slightly sad. "Yes, dear...I'm leaving now." She gave the young Mikan a rushed hug and kiss and fled for the door.

Mikan looked to the big men and said in her sweet, high-pitched voice, "Heddo! What's you guyses names?"

The men didn't respond but smiled at her with malice, which she hadn't recognized at the time. She smiled back, "Wanna go to my room and pway dolls wiff me?"

The men nodded hungrily. She took one of their hands not knowing what would soon happen and said, "Okay come wiff me!"

She led the men to her room with a giggle. She layed down 7 dolls, one for each man. "You tan each pick one!" She said enthusiastically.

"We aren't going to play dolls that way." One man said menacingly.

Mikan tilted her head. "What do you mean?" She asked shyly.

"This is a special game. You'll be the doll. I promise its very fun."

"Oo okay! What do I do first?" She asked, her pure eyes glittering with excitement.

"First take off that dress." One man said. His eyes were dull and evil. His face had creases from his constant frowning. His body was bulky and strong, but he had a large beer belly. The other men fit the same description.

She undressed obediently but asked why. The first man responded, "Well don't you dress up your dolls, kiddie?"

She nodded, "Yeah! I wove dressing my dollies! I put dem in pwincess dresses!" She said joyously.

She had finally gotten her dress off and the men slowly surrounded her. "Time to play." One man muttered.

-the memory was blurry and scenes seemed to flash-

Mikan remembered feeling tons of pain.

"STOP. THAT HURTS!" she screamed



She vomited, screamed, cried. Trying desperately to get them to stop.

"P-PWEASE! PW-" something was shoved in her mouth.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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Trauma - an Ibuki x Mikan agere + angst fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon