Chapter 59

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"My ribs, their crushed" Naguyi barely got out clinching her ribs and tried getting up.

"This means their is only three us left, and Angel is stuck on Kwu right now, which means me and Kimono are the only two left that can fight, this plan has officially fallen into shit" Kagono thought.

"Kimono, I'm going use every single last bit of my magic power on one punch and I will most likely pass out, if he is left standing, you are our last hope, I hope you complete our task brother" Kagono explained to Kimono as Kagono went to his black form and was charging up a single punch.

Gusts from the magic were heavy, nearly knocking Kimono off his feet.

"This power feels a little powerful, hit me with your best shot" Fura joked as he pointed at his cheek.

"Kagono, kill him for everything he has done"Kimono said "Now!"

Kimono sprung to Fura and swung the punch which landed directly on his cheek. A huge smoke cloud formed from how unbelievably strong the punch was. Everyone flew backwards, but luckily Angel caught everyone one by one.

"Thanks Angel" Kimono said.

"Don't mention it, I could use my magic to clean the smoke" Angel suggested as she put her hand out making the smoke disappear quickly. Everyone saw the results of this punch and was shocked.

Kagono was on the ground as Fura was still standing, with a single cut on his cheek.

"This is the most damage any of you had ever delt, good job kid" Fura said wiping the little bit of blood on his cheek.

"No way" Naguyi said in shock.

"This can't be possible" Kwu said.

Kimono had shook Angel off of him and started running to Kagono. When Kimono got their, Kagono was face planted in the ground and Fura standing in front of him.

"Kagono, get up" Kimono said starting to sniffle.

"Sorry to tell you kid but he isn't getting up anytime soon" Fura laughed.

"Come on Kagono, you have to finish the battle" Kimono said now eyes balling up.

"Haha, kid, quite it, your making me laugh" Fura laughed uncontrollably.

"Kagono, get up, please, you have to help me" Kimono said trying to pull Kagono back up to his feet.

Kagono was out cold.

"What the hell?" Kimono started to cry as a tear went down his face.

"Hahaha!" Fura laughed.

"This wasn't supposed to be like this, we were supposed to win and go back home without a scratch, be with mom and Kemoni, plan what we do tomorrow" Kimono cried softly.

"Time to go" Fura said disappearing underground.

"Kagono, get up" Kimono said wiping his tears.

Kimono picked up Kagono and threw him over his back.

"Kagono, no!" Naguyi exclaimed hugging Kagono's lifeless body that was on Kimono's back.

Kwu got up and quickly limped to Kagono.

"Kagono, open your eyes, please" Kwu said.

"We are heading back, the fight is over" Kimono said.

No one objected, and everyone started heading on their brooms, with Kagono on Kimono's back.

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