CHAPTER 40 ↠ stolen goods

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The next day, Bea took Bonnie's horse to Small Heath. She left it at Charlie's Yard, where she asked him where she might find Finn.

"Why? Planning on shooting him again?"

"What do you mean 'again'?" Bea asks annoyed. "I didn't shoot him last time, did I?"

Any other day Bea would just have a witty comment to say back to Uncle Charlie, or as she was allowed to call him, just Charlie. But today she was angry. She had barely slept.

"You were planning to, though."

"If I had any plans I would have shot."

Bea walked away without letting Uncle Charlie tell her where Finn might actually be.

She went to Artillery Square first, but Finn wasn't there. She was going to the Betting Shop when she found Isaiah, and he led her the right way.

When she walked in the Garrison there was music playing and many people drinking and talking. It was only afternoon, but it was clear that the Garrison was the most popular pub around.

None of the Shelby's were in the main or back rooms of the pub, so if they were still there like Isaiah had said, they were in the small private room. The door was closed so Bea knocked twice and then opened it.

The lively conversation inside stopped. Bea's eyes went straight to Tommy, as was the power he had on every room. It was the first time she was seeing any of the Shelby's since returning from New York, but her mind was on another matter, so she didn't bother with greetings.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Tommy. I was told I might find Finn here."

"And here he is," Tommy confirms, keeping his eyes on Bea but pointing at the other corner to the room.

Bea moved her eyes to Finn and, although he had a wide smile, she kept a serious expression.

"A word in private?" she asks unswerving.

"Go on, Finn, don't leave the lady waiting."

Finn stands up, gets his pint and comes out of the small room. He then leads Bea to the back room, ordering everyone there to join the other people in the main room and closes the door for privacy.

As they were now alone, Finn moved quickly, resting one hand on Bea's waist and moving in for a kiss before Bea stepped away. He didn't think much of it.

The Golden Girl ↠ Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now