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Amaterasu (Hiding somewhere): Hey, everyone. Sorry for not posting for a while - my dang wrist loves making me hold on to my content. Also, I'm hiding because I think SilverSnake2006 might be on to me and I am not going into a box! Now - PREPARE FOR FLEURMIONE CONTENT! Later.


[Location: Royal French Embassy]

Hermione was known for expecting the unexpected and planning for any kind of situation should they arise...but there are even things she couldn't prepare for - such as finding out your grandparents are the BLOODY KING AND QUEEN OF WIZARDING ENGLAND!

Being a Pureblood Witch - she can accept that.

Being the Heir of 2 Royal Hogwarts Houses - she can deal with that.

Being one of the richest heirs around - she can learn to adjust herself to that.

But finding out she was in France her grandparents had reasons to contact the Delacour Family & find out they were King and Queen of Wizarding England and she was along the line to rule? That was a bit too much for even the Brightest Witch of her Age to stomach without some deep thought.

Oh, yeah - speaking of the Delacour Family...

"Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît arrêter de toucher ma queue? C'est sensible. (Can you please stop touching my tail? It's sensitive.)" Hermione tried to glare at the French Girl that had her long Knzeale tail in her grasp, but her ears were laying flat in embarrassment and there was blush trailing along the bridge of her nose. The girl's blue eyes locked with her amber ones before she gave a blush and chuckle of her own.

"Pardonne-moi, Mon Amour, mais ta fourrure avait l'air si douce que je n'ai pas pu m'en empêcher. (Do forgive me, My Love, but your fur looked so soft that I couldn't help myself.)" The girl said with a smile but still didn't stop rubbing her soft hands along Hermione's tail. The Hybrid clenched her fangs as the feeling of butterflies fluttered through her stomach but she had to get a hold of herself. She moved her tail from the girl's touch and wrapped it around her waist.

"Pourquoi dois-tu gâcher mon plaisir, chérie? (Why must you ruin my fun, Darling?)" The girl said with a pout on her face

"Je n'essayais pas de le faire, mais je t'ai dit que ma queue était sensible au toucher. (I wasn't trying to, but I told you that my tail was sensitive to touch.)" Hermione answered as she looked over to the side with a light blush still on her face - resisting the urge to look into the dark blue abyss of the girl's eyes.

"Eh bien, je vous pardonnerai, si vous me dites le nom du beau chat assis à côté de moi. (Well, I shall forgive you, if you tell me the name of the lovely cat sitting beside me.)"The girl said again with a smile on her face - it almost made Hermione melt.

"Je m'appelle Hermione - Hermione Dagworth-Granger. Et pourriez-vous l'être? (My name is Hermione - Hermione Dagworth-Granger. And just might you be?)" The Knzeale Hybrid questioned.

The girl introduced herself as Fleur Delacour - Quarter-Veela of the Delacour Family & Hermione's Soulmate; this made the hybrid raise her eyebrow. She knew very little about the Veela, other than their Thralls and Soulmates, but the thing that she had one was a little strange - it's one thing after another.

The door on the other side of the room opened and 6 people walked out: Hermione's Parents (Athena and Christopher), Fleur's Parents (Amelie and Darius Delacour), and finally Hermione's Grandparents (King Silas Saber-Lobos and Queen Akela Saber-Lobos).

The King was a rather tall man with a buff body, short black hair that was graying around the sides, paleish-tan skin with eyes as purple as the night sky on a cloudless evening, downed in royal garments with a black metal crown with amethysts embedded in the metal. The Queen was a head shorter than her husband with long black hair tied into a braid, brown eyes, and tan skin, wearing an elegant dress with a crown matching her husband's.

"Greetings, Your Majesty and Grace." Hermione bowed to her grandparents, only for her grandfather to pull her into his strong embrace, squeezing the life out of her.

"No need to bow before family, My Dear! Soon, you and your mate shall take the throne!" Silas smiled.

"Father, please." Athena exhaled, "Can you let my daughter breath and explain why she and the Delacours are here." She finished. Nodding his head, Silas places his granddaughter back on her feet before clearing his throat before speaking.

"First of all, I would like to thank all of you for attending on such short notice but we like for things like this to be dealt with as soon as possible. The Saber-Lobos Family has a magic tapestry that tells the future rulers of the thrones when soulmates are revealed to each other." Silas said.

"But, this is the first time I have ever met Fleur. How could the tapestry know that we are soulmates?" Hermione asked.

"It doesn't always have to be physical contact, dear; it is quite possible that the two of you met in the astral plane or the dreaming world." The Queen explained.

"Wait..." Hermione said as she looked at Fleur again and nodded, "I did see her in a dream before - in a forest and I was in my other form." She explained.

"I have seen my mate in the same location - her Saber Form is very powerful." Fleur said as she wrapped her arms around Hermione's right arm and smiled up at the girl, "You have a lovely pelt, mon chéri."

"Hm... Thanks, I suppose." Hermione said with a blush upon her face.

"Now that we know how the bond took place, it's time to discuss what we shall do about it." Silas said.

"What do you mean 'what we shall do about it'? They must accept it and be one; that is the Veela Way." Fleur's mother said.

"That would be the case if they were adults but they are still minors and in school. Mating Bonds can be rejected on one side; it depends if they both want to be each others' other half." Akela said as she looked at the two creatures before them. "Girls, do you want to be mated to each other?" She asked.

"I do, My Queen; I want to be with my Sabertooth until death takes us from each other, even then, I shall fight for her." The young Veela proclaimed.

"To be honest, Grandmother, I am not sure; I have never been placed in a situation like this." Hermione answered.

"Child, you cannot reject your mate! It is destiny that you two are together." Amelie said to Hermione with a panicked expression on her face.

"I have an idea." Queen Akela said, "How about - for the week you are here - Hermione and Fleur live together in the cottage?" She finished with a smile.

"The Cottage?" Hermione and Fleur asked in unison.

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