Chapter 23

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The next morning, Tris was up at 6 once again. Before everyone else woke up, she decided to look through her potions book to see if she could find out what Rose had put into George's potion. But so far, no luck. She then decided to read over her 3rd-4th year books before she headed down to breakfast at the Great Hall with her group of friends.

George was still in the hospital wing so she didn't sit next to her normal person. She sat next to Harry instead. She didn't bother questioning him about whether or not he put his name into the Goblet of Fire. She knew he would never do such a thing. She felt bad for Harry. Everyone was against him, even his best friend. Ron sat a few seats down from Harry next to Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas.

"Has he even tried hearing your side of the story?" Tris said to Harry. "No. He thinks I did it on purpose, because all I care about is fame and glory." Harry said as he ate the eggs from his plate. "Well, I believe you Harry. I know you wouldn't do that." Tris said putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked over at her and gave her a smile. Sitting at the Professor's table, was Professor Moody. Tris just happened to look up and she noticed he kept looking at her and Harry. Something was off about this professor, Tris thought in her mind. He would look over at the two Gryffindors and drink from his little bottle. Tris found him creepy, but he moved her up in her classes so she wasn't mad about that.

Tris looked over at Fred and nudged him getting his attention. "Have you seen George this morning?" she asked. "Yeah, he's in hog heaven. He's getting to skip classes and he gets food taken to him. Of course he's doing great." Fred said rolling his eyes sarcastically and filling his mouth full of the yummy foods that was prepared each morning for the students.

Breakfast was now over and all of the students went to their appointed classes. Tris went to every class and each Professor kept her over, to train her and test her capabilities. She passed all of the assignments like last time and each Professor agreed to move her up.

Professor Dumbledore had pulled her to the side and took her into his office. He had told her that she was now moved up to 5th year classes. That would be her final move up, and she is now a 5th year student with the twins and Edmund.

After all of her classes were over that day, she went to go see George. She was just about to turn the corner to enter the room until she heard what sounded like a fist hitting a table. She stopped cold in her tracks and pressed her back up against the wall. She listened carefully to see what was going on in there.

She heard George's voice and he sounded upset. But she also heard another familiar voice. It was Susan Pevensie. "Why would she be seeing George after what she did?" Tris thought to herself.

"If you so much as touch a hair on her head I will kill you." George said in a harsh tone. Tris then turned the corner and peeked into the room. She saw Susan take a step closer to George. "And if you don't give me what I want, then I'll turn her in to the Dark Lord, and he'll be the one to kill her. After all, she's the number one on his kill list. He wants his sister back and he'll do anything he has to. Remember Georgie, Merida is only dead until Trista is killed, and by the looks of it, that won't be too hard to do." Susan said with an evil grin plastered on her face.

George then clenched his fists and took a deep breath. Tris knew what Susan was up to. She was trying to blackmail George by using her as an advantage to get George to do whatever she wanted. "Bye, now." Susan said as she headed to the doorway. Tris then bolted to the nearest room and ran in closing the door behind her. Susan proceeded to walk out of the room and Tris let out a sigh of relief.

Tris then walked out of the broom closet and headed back to the hospital wing. When she walked in, she saw a frustrated George pacing around the room while running both hands through his ginger hair. He saw her walk into the room, and he speed walked to her. When he got close enough he pulled Tris into a tight hug. She was so confused at first but she then hugged him back.

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