Ch. 18 Mines 💔

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I barely get any sleep I watch as the sun starts  to shine between the curtain Scott jolts awake then smiles over at me. "Be back soon my Juliana" he says and leaves the room each time he uses that nickname I feel a new sense of betrayal for Frankie. The irrational part of me feels that I should have fought harder last night. But the part of me that wants to survive knows that if I had refused I would have ended up like Karen dead in the back of some alley, left for Frankie to find. Since Scott is gone I take the opportunity to get some sleep I awake and some time has passed the sun is noticeably dimmer between the curtains it must be late evening I think straining my head to see the clock on the nightstand I'm right it's just shy of 5 p.m. and Scott still hasn't come back. I have to pee and I smell atrocious but that doesn't extinguish the short-lived Joy I have when  I imagine Scott  getting caught. 

The door swings open and Scott comes in with a greasy  brown paper bag. "What are you more happy to see darling the food or me" Scott ask s. He stares as though he expects me to answer. He comes over and unties the scarf at my mouth hmm he says and raises an eyebrow. Before I can think better of it I say neither his hand connects with my face in a flash a sharp twist of my neck causes pain to remain there long after the assault.

 Before I can think better of it I say neither his hand connects with my face in a flash a sharp twist of my neck causes pain to remain there long after the assault

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"I'm sorry" I whimper out I missed you more Scott I say and stare up lovingly in his eyes. I think of how when I used to look at him this way it was genuine. Oh really he says smiling at my words he leans in and when I think he's about to kiss me he stopped short. "You stink pig" he says I try and flinch away when he pulls the knife out he slices at the tape that binds my wrist to the iron headboard then does the same to my ankles my wrist  are still bound together he drags me by them to the bathroom. Clean yourself up we have company coming he says. I hold up my bound hands  to him" how am I supposed to clean myself with my wrist bound" I asked." You'll figure it out or I'll do it for you and you know how much you like that" he says with a chuckle. He leaves the door open and I walk over to the towel rack and grab a rag looks like there won't be any showering today I think to myself. After about 20 minutes of bending I'm still not done Scott walks into the bathroom. "What's taking so long" he yells causing me to jump and drop the rag I was holding. You lazy s*** yells his fist connect with my jaw and I stumbled backward and land on the cold  bathroom floor. He drags me up by my hair "you still smell" he says. Without warning he raises my shirt then pulls off my pajama bottoms and panties I'm thankful that my shirt is covering my face. Scott has never seen me naked before. I'm beyond humiliated and I start to cry all over again. I hear the water running and then Scott has the warm rag between my legs he's gentle unlike when he had me on the bed after he washes me off I quickly grabbed my pajama bottoms and underwear and pull them up even though the shirt is covering me now I can take you to tug at it to make sure nothing is exposed. He throws a bag at me it has men's deodorant a toothbrush that's been used in toothpaste" fix your hair too "he says. I managed to brush my teeth and get deodorant under my arm. I move faster not wanting a repeat of what happened to me earlier it was too creepy to imagine his hands on me again. "I thought I said to do your hair we have company coming over what part of that don't you understand" Scott yells. I detect a hint of nervousness when he mentions company whoever is coming must be really important or really dangerous I think to myself adjust your to my bound hands again. Scott hops out of his seat and Yanks the bun out of my hair. He pulls my dark hair into a tight ponytail, "there I guess it's as good as it's going to get when it comes to you" he says. This time I don't react to the insult I keep my eyes cast down submissively and await the moment I can't escape the company is coming maybe they'll be able to help me get out of Scott's clutches.

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