四十 | you two should make it up

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swayed by futility

A week passed by after that day, and Kuina surprisingly made a few progress with her training

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A week passed by after that day, and Kuina surprisingly made a few progress with her training. She was able to hit the bullseye with the kunai and shuriken. Itachi never complimented her, but he seemed pleased with her, so she was happy.

And finally, after a week went by, Itachi told her that they would be leaving to capture the four-tails at dawn the next day. He told her to get ready if she wanted to come with him. Her happiness that week was boosted to the moon, and although she couldn't understand his change of decision, she would consider that the best present she could have on her birthday; it would be the first time in her life she got to go out to see the horizon without being injured or captured by some other entities.

With her overwhelming thrill, she woke up early the next day, and she sat on the couch in the living space, waiting for Itachi and Kisame.

But before she could have the silence to herself, her thoughts were shattered when she heard someone enter the living space. She turned to the source of the noise, and her eyes met with Hidan's.

Instantly, she sat up straight and gave him a small smile, not knowing how to act around him. These past few weeks, Hidan seemed to be very attentive towards her, and she had always felt uncomfortable within his presence. Thus, this whole time, she had always tried to hide her face from him. But now, it seemed like she couldn't avoid him anymore.

She inhaled deeply, hoping Itachi and Kisame would meet up with her soon, so they could set off.

Hidan smiled at her, waving his hand vigorously. "Good morning, Kuina, you're going on a trip with Kisame today right? I just wanted to see you off."

Kuina smiled at him weakly, sweat lining her forehead at the awkwardness. "I see. You didn't need to–"

Hidan suddenly scooted over to her, cutting her off. He snatched her wrists and pulled her up from the couch forcibly, making her breath hitched.

"Of course, I must! How can I not see you off? You'll be stuck with that Uchiha bastard for, Jashin knows, how long. I have to come and warn you to be careful."

Kuina quickly pulled her wrists out of Hidan's grasp and stepped back, her gaze lowering. "It's okay, Hidan. Itachi is a nice person–"

"No, Kuina! You need to be careful. Can't you tell that he's trying to take advantage of you!" He exclaimed, causing Kuina to flinch. "You need to be careful, do you understand?"

She cowered down as she nodded rapidly.

"Good, good," Hidan spoke, his sudden rise of anger vanished as he, once again, plastered his face with a smile. "Well, anyways, actually that isn't the only reason I am here to see you so early in the morning. Don't you remember what day it is today?"

Kuina furrowed her brows, but before she got the chance to answer, Itachi and Kisame approached the living area. They both were fully gowned in their Akatsuki cloak, and on one hand, they held onto the straw hats.

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