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February 10,2013- Savannah and kai were sitting in the house doing there own thing while Cami went to caroline's mom funeral

They heard a knock on the door Savannah got up and open it to see Jo and Alaric

Savannah: hey guys what are you doing here

Jo: something happened and you'll never guess what it is (says as they came in)

The two walked in the room but stopped to see kai

Alaric: what the hell is he doing in your house

Savannah: he is reforming

Alaric: what why he brought Jo so much pain growing up

Savannah: and you do realize that her family did the same to him that made him want to hurt them

Jo: how long have you had him

Savannah: about almost 3 months now

Jo: and he has not once hurt anybody (ask)

Savannah: no which mean you are safe (says and sits down) so what is it that you wanted to tell me

Jo: well I was sick earlier this morning so we decided to go to the doctor and it turns out I'm pregnant (says smiling)

Savannah: oh my God that's amazing congratulations

Alaric: thanks and we have another announcement we are engaged

Savannah: you're getting married and having a baby this is awesome

Kai: well it looks like I'm going to be coming uncle

Alaric: slow your roll I still don't trust you

Kai: I understand and I know it's going to take awhile for you guys to trust me but I'm willing to wait (says)

Jo: I can't wait to have this baby it looks like your daughter will be having a new BFF (says and smirks)

Savannah: it will be nice for her to grow up with another Supernatural witch (says smiling)

Alaric: so when are you due

Savannah: about a week this month (says)

Alaric: well I cannot wait to meet her

Savannah: I can't either her room is already prepared for her arrival and she's has everything she would need in the next year or two (says)

Jo: well I see the little one has an already prepared mother I'm kind of nervous having this baby

Alaric: you think you're nervous we just found out you were pregnant today I don't think I'm ready to become a dad but I know that I want to have this baby with you (says and jo smiles)

Jo: so where is Camille

Kai: she went to little blondies mother funeral I'm surprised she even went since the two don't really like each other but she said she's paying her respects

Jo: well that's nice of her and I see Savannah didn't go

Savannah: please if I would have went we would have started fighting she already hates my guts as it is I can't imagine what would happen if I went she would have hurted me or try to kill my baby to prove a point (says and they nod)

Alaric: well we better get going

Savannah: of course (says as they walked out) well that was something

Kai: tell me about it (says and sits down)

With Damon and cami who were in the bathroom, damon had Cami pinned to a wall kissing her neck as they were both half naked for the past 20 mins, after they finished they walked out of the restroom and Damon went back to Elena as Cami decided to head back home not wanting to hear the two

Damon and elena were walking down the street together

Elena: do you think Caroline is going to be okay

Damon: of course you'll be okay she's Blondie she's tougher than she looks

Elena:(nods) tonight I'll go check up on her and then maybe we can go on a little date tonight (says smiling)

Damon: actually Elena there is something that I needed to tell you

Elena: what is it (ask as they stopped)

Damon: well we've been together for almost two to three years and I think maybe we should

Elena: take it to the next level

Damon: uh no

Elena: no what do you mean

Damon: what I'm trying to say is Elena that I'm breaking up with you

Elena: what why

Damon: because my feelings for you are slowly disappearing and I'm falling for someone else now and we are in a toxic relationship that's not making any of this better

Elena: so you're saying is that we've been through hell to be together only if you to dump me at the end

Damon: and I loved you through all of that but now things have changed I think it's time for us to move on

Elena: okay who is this so-called girl you're falling in love with

Damon:(sighs) Cami

Elena: Cami what since when

Damon: since 2012

Elena: so you've been in love with her while we were dating for a whole year

Damon: and I may have slept with her a couple times (says and elena slaps him)

Elena: how could you

Damon: elena

Elena: stay the hell away from me (says and speeds away, damon sighs and leaves)

With Savannah and Cami who were on the phone with Marcel

Marcel: hey it's been awhile how are you guys doing

Cami: we're doing good Savannah is almost due how is everything in New Orleans

Marcel: well things have been crazy it turns out that Hayley and Klaus's daughter didn't die she's alive they just faked her death to protect her from enemies

Savannah: oh and what about davina what is she been doing

Marcel: well she did a lot of crazy stuff it turns out the reason why she was so secretive when you guys were here it's because she brought back Mikael from the dead

Cami: Mikael as in the Mikaelson father

Marcel: yes

Savannah: is she okay

Marcel: yes she is

Savannah: and josh

Marcel: they are both fine (says and they nod) I miss you guys so much and it breaks my heart to not be there when your daughter is born

Savannah: sometimes life is cruel but don't worry we'll be back one day and you'll get to meet her

Marcel:(smiles) well I better get going before the mikaelsons eavesdrop on me and learn your location

Cami: good night Marcel

Marcel: good night (says and hangs up)

Savannah: one day our lives will get back together that's a promise I'm going to make to my daughter

Cami smiles and they two watched TV for the night

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