A Land Without Magic, Pt 2

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Chapter 39: A Land Without Magic, Pt. 2

When Persephone arrived at the troubling scene at Damon's bar, her heart was hammering in her chest from running the entire way. The broken furniture and mess left her with more questions than answers. She noticed one of Damon's hired hands, who had been knocked out, start to stir. She clenched her teeth and for a petite woman, showed her true presence as a Goddess, as she grabbed the man by the shirt and slammed him against the bar.

"Where are they?" she demanded to know.

"I don't know..." he croaked. She dragged him by the shirt and tossed him in a chair, before she picked up a broken table leg.

"Wanna try that answer again?" she asked, as she jammed the splintered table leg into his foot. He cried out in pain.

"You crazy bi..." he cried out, but stopped himself from using a word that might anger her further. At that moment, a wave of rainbow colored light swept over them and her mouth fell open in awe. It had happened...it had finally happened. The curse was broken. She brought the weapon up and positioned it in a threatening manner.

"Now that your memories have returned, you're going to tell me where they are or you will not like what happens," she promised.

"What could you do? Aren't you just some teacher?" he spat. She smirked.

"Stephanie Kore is a teacher, you're right. But I am Persephone...Queen of the Underworld and unless you'd like a one way trip there...you'll tell me where they went," she growled, truly frightening him now.

"They ran out the back way into the woods. I passed out then, but Damon probably followed them," he told her. She dropped the table leg and hurried out into the woods behind the bar. She looked around and found no sign of anyone, as she trekked through the woods.

It wasn't long before she noticed the pink poppies that were spotting a pathway along the ground. She knew flora very well and this particular poppy only sprouted in the presence of great evil. Deimos was unknowingly leaving a trail that would lead her right to them. She picked a couple poppies and put them in her coat pocket. Even without magic, the pink poppy dust could be useful.

"Snow...David...where are you?" she lamented, as she finally came to the gaping hole in the ground.

"Dammit..." she said, hoping she wouldn't be too late to help them and jumped into the sinkhole.

Emma stormed down the street, pulling Henry along beside her. It was then that she saw Red and Granny gathered with the dwarves in the square.

"Emma?" Red asked. She nodded.

"Have you seen Snow and David?" Granny asked.

"I think they're in trouble and underground in the tunnels under the library. I need to find my parents, but can you keep an eye on the kid?" she asked.

"Of course..." Red answered.

"You know?" Grumpy asked. She nodded.

"It's a long story, but I need to go. Deimos is after them," Emma replied.

"It should be impossible for him to be alive. I ripped him to shreds myself," Red exclaimed.

"So I've heard...but he's very much alive and has his memories now," Emma admonished.

"Wait...Henry, please...you need to come home with me," Regina pleaded.

"You..." Grumpy growled.

"Reminding people of your presence probably isn't a good idea right now, Madam Mayor," Red hissed, as she glared at the woman.

"If anything happens to Snow and Charming...it'll be your head, sister," Grumpy promised.

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