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Chapter 40: Broken

Belle held Rumple's hand, as they trekked up the hill to the well. Soon, he would no longer need this blasted cane and magic would help him find his son.

"Rumple..." Belle uttered, stopping them in their trek.

"What is it?" he asked.

"These past few've made real friendships and I want you to know how happy that makes me for you," she replied.

"But?" he asked.

"But I know what magic does to you...I know it's like a drug for you," she added.

"It is...but I need it, Belle. Not just to find my son, but to protect us," he insisted.

"From what? What is coming?" she asked.

"I can't say for sure...but there will be danger that comes to our town when it becomes a place of magic. But I have no choice. I have to take these risks to find my son," he replied.

"Just promise me that you won't betray the people that have helped you get here. They're trusting you too," she reminded.

"Some would say they are foolish for doing so. I manipulated many people and events to see the that the curse would be cast," he admitted. She gave him a stern look.

"But I will strive to be the man I know you want me to be. The man I failed to be for my son," he promised. Belle took his hand and they continued the rest of the way to the well. Gold popped the cork on the bottle and then dropped it into the well. He couldn't hide the delight on his face, as pinkish purple smoke began to billow from the well and slowly drifted toward town in a thick cloud.

"Magic is power, Belle. Everything will fall into place now," he assured, as they started back to town. Belle still looked uncertain. Magic always caused problems and it never made things simple. She would never deny him the means to find his son, but she couldn't shake the feeling that bringing magic to Storybrooke would also invite a plethora of trouble.

When Regina arrived home, she had immediately went to Henry's room and collapsed on his bed. She held one of his pillows to her, as she cried. She knew instinctively that she had no one but herself to blame for losing him. But that didn't make it any easier to accept. Her curse was broken and everyone was awake now. But she didn't care about any of that, for the one person she actually cared about wanted nothing to do with her at the moment. The look of betrayal on his cherub face when he heard her admit that everything about the curse was true was devastating. But it was even worse to watch him grab the apple out of Emma's hand and bite into it, knowing full well what it was. She had been so focused on getting rid of Emma and her parents that she had never entertained the possibility that Henry could be caught in the crossfire. She sniffed and happened to look up. She noticed a pinkish purple cloud on the horizon and put the pillow down, before going to the window. She knew what that cloud was...what it meant. She should have known this was Rumpelstiltskin's plan all along. was coming and it could be her answer to everything. She smirked deviously, as she watched it sweep through her town.

They heard the rattling of the bars, as they entered the station, as Deimos angrily tried to break through them. Persephone knew if she wasn't quick when the magic swept over them that he would do just that.

"If you really think you can keep me bound...then you have no idea who you are dealing with!" he growled.

"Oh...I know exactly who I am dealing with and trust me, I've went to great lengths to acquire what I need to lock you up indefinitely," she assured. He rattled the bars again and glanced at Emma, who glared daggers at him.

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