The Prophecy's battle

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Kai tossed and turned in his bed that night. Just knowing that those cold men were down there under them just made him feel insecure. What if Lucy found a way to metal bend those walls and invade Borg Tower? How do the others sleep so soundly even with the knowledge of those who just tried to kill them living right under them?!

Kai grunted and flipped to the right for the hundredth time that night. The air con was comfortingly cold yet he felt sweat drip down from his neck and forehead. He felt wide awake and fresh. In fact...he didn't mind a battle right about now...

Kai flipped to the left and his eyes rested on his katana resting on its opened case. Kai looked over his shoulder at his window. The city was bright with its sign boards flashing advertisements here and there yet the roads were empty.

It seemed like the city was quiet. No one was watching. No one was out there.

Kai swung is legs off his bed and sat up. He rubbed his hand behind his neck and sighed. He had to do something.

He made his choice and no one was going to stop him. Kai stepped onto the floor and walked towards his garb and katana. Within minutes, he was sneaking out of Borg Tower. He had nearly reached the bottom floor when a voice made him freeze in his tracks.

"Where are you going Kai?" P.I.X.A.L's gentle voice rang in his ears. He whipped around and faced her, sweat dripping from is forehead. "Em...A walk." He facepalmed himself inwardly knowing she wouldn't buy that.

"I know you better than that Kai." She said, shifting her feet. "You're off to fight those benders aren't you?" Kai nodded his head reluctantly, he took a step closer and hissed, "If you think you're gonna stop me, you can't. I'm tired of lying on bed and doing nothing knowing they're right under us! How do you even cope with it?"

P.I.X.A.L shrugged, "I just do." She looked down on the floor deep in thought. Although it was strange because usually robots cannot be deep in thought. "I am not going to stop you Kai. But please bare in mind, our safety is in your hands. If anything were to happen to you-" she paused. Kai stared at her, and as if she were human. Her eyes were indeed wide with fear, "You know." She muttered. He stood silent for a while, thinking about what P.I.X.A.L had said. How could he have been so rash? He was walking right into the lion's den by carrying out this attack on his own. Why hadn't he thought of it earlier? "Kai." P.I.X.A.L snapped him out of his thoughts. Kai looked up at her, his eyes betraying how dazed he was. "Are you going or are you staying here tonight?" She asked. Kai shook his head and sighed, "You're right P.I.X.A.L. I guess I shouldn't go." P.I.X.A.L nodded, "A wise decision." She said before walking off to continue her duties.

Kai trudged back to his bed reluctantly. He banged his fist against the lift door and muttered to himself angrily. "What if P.I.X.A.L never stopped me?" He whispered to himself. So much for the prophecy. The prophecy..."Maybe Misako interpreted it wrongly." He muttered. He threw his katana at the side and plonked onto the bed. Morning would either come soon, or never seem to come at all.

Kai sat up on his bed, the sun's thin layer of yellow rays showing. Kai could hardly feel the rest he had the night before. It almost felt like he was up the whole night, except that he was pretty sure he fell asleep at some point.

"Awake and alive little Kai?" A voice surprised him as he stepped out of his room. He turned to see his sister up and very much alive. "Nya!" He exclaimed. Grinning, he ran forward and gave his sister a tight hug. "I missed you! I thought you were dead!" He didn't realise that Nya was still weak. While hugging, he could feel her thin ribs under his clutch. Kai set her down gently as she stood there panting. "Sorry." He muttered, although his eyes still glimmered with happiness.

She smiled, her eyes still dull with weakness and pain. Kai looked her up and down, "Not too shabby!" He commented. "I know," Nya said. "After a good rest and some food, it turns out that I was fine. Apart from the others who somehow or the other broke something..." She said. Kai barely heard the last two words, "B-Broke something?" He stuttered.
Nya nodded, then shuffled her feet as she tried to search for the words to explain.

"Well you see..." She started off. "That night when you weren't home. Again. We were attacked. The door was flung away like a feather and the dojo was put on fire." Nya stared out distantly as she spoke. Re-living the moment of fear, suspense and horror. Kai coughed uneasily and stared at her, "And then?" Nya re-shifted her gaze on her brother. "And then we were caught." She choked. "We were caught and fed close to nothing with no light, beaten repeated everyday. I thought..." Her words trailed off as she bit her lip to regain her composure as tears filled her eyes. "I thought I wouldn't make it in that cell." She bit her lip again and looked outside the window. "I thought everyone was caught just like me. I thought there wasn't anymore hope." Kai stared at her. He clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into his palms. All this time, and this was what all his friends and family were facing?!

Kai shook his head and banged his fist against the wall. "I wish I did something earlier!" He growled angrily. Nya stared up at him in shock, "Don't be stupid! You had no idea where we were!" Kai's eyes were ablaze and narrowed with anger. For once he saw himself in Nya's eyes. It was scary, it was so angry. Nya took a step back, it didn't take him long to realise his intense glare was giving her fear. Kai softened his gaze a little and shook his head and ran past her. If only she knew about that prophecy... It was all he was thinking off as her voice calling his name rang through his ears. Growing softer and softer as he got further and further.

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