Another blonde capitalist man X Faerie!definitelynotaselfinsert!Reader

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It was a brighr qnd sudbny day andc yuo were in 4he middle of tryign to dig though the pock.ets if your uneelaitsicy large povkets. This was hard becauee your huge poofy dress had 69 differny pockets to choose from so theix will taek awahiel. You flutter your prett butterflae wigns as you kept lookignv though yoru pockets. Your long blakc hair danced throuvh the wind as your brown eyes sparkled int the sunli,gjt. Because this is torallt what every danganrompa fan looking for toegami smut fics look like and is not at all a very accurate decfiption of my best friend. Suddenly, a glamorous limo eith diamonds bedazzled sll over it puleld up beside you. You raise a brow at 5he sudeen car appraoching you. The windos rolls sown to reveal a blonde haired man with blue eyes and glases. He had a displeased look and scoffed at you.

"Ew a plebien. Discusting >:(((("

You fkuttered your winges and giggked. You tjougjt his blatant rudeness snd audacity was cute & funny. So funny that you bounce up and down, lighting up your gucci light up sketchers. The blonde haired capitalist's eyes widen and his jaw drops to the floor. Literally. Someoene call an ambulance.

"Ong nevermend you got some epic swag drip. Quick get in the trunk" (Capitalist)

"But my mommy said I shouldn't get into streangers cars :(((((" (you)

"I have lemons." (Money man)

"O shit nevermind make room im coming in" (your fine ass)

And so, you fly into his bedazzled gucci limo and you both drove away into the sunset and lived happily after after.


(A/N this was requested by my friend lmao love ya bestie 🥰💅)

(A/N this was requested by my friend lmao love ya bestie 🥰💅)

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(If it wasn't obvious enough, this is a /j satire post. As is literally every other chapter in this shitpost book. But yk. Hope you enjoyed this shitshow lmao)

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