37. Sharing

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Xiao Ziling looked at the small pile of crystal nucleus in front of him and only wanted to lick himself as a pig. After training for such a long time, he did not even think about using crystal nucleus to cultivate my heart.

The nucleus of the squad is distributed by the special person and finally distributed according to the contribution, once a week. Xiao Ziling joined the team for more than half a month and also got two crystal nucleus.

The level of the nucleus is the worst level 0, and there is no way. After all, the time is short, and the zombies are not evolved. The zombies that were cleaned up in the early days are basically ordinary zombies, but the number is still relatively large.

When Xiao Ziling first got his hand, he was injured and lying in bed. He had nothing to do but he could only count the number of crystal nucleus to pass the time, so he knew that there were a total of 79 crystal nuclei collected.

the squad also killed the evolved zombies, but the nucleus was distributed according to who killed them. This is why Chu Yutian directly returned the nucleus of the spiritual zombies to Xiao Ziling at the dock.

At the time, Xiao Ziling threw them into the space at the end of the nucleus. Later, because they had been practicing Qingxin and studying the water polo, they had forgotten these nucleus. If he didn’t want to sort out his space today, he didn’t even know that there's crystal nuclei left.

The role of the nucleus is only has advantages for the awakener, and only the awakened can absorb the energy in the nucleus into the ability to awaken. Xiao Ziling's forgetting these nucleus is also largely due to his speed abilities being abolished, and the subconscious mind that these nucleus are useless to him.

Fortunately, when Xiao Ziling saw these nucleus, he did not stubbornly think that it was useless, but instead tried it curiously. He held the nucleus and operated the heart-cleaning technique. He did not expect this experiment to give him a big surprise.

Qingxin can absorb the energy of these nucleus, but this energy is not stored in the Dantian by the Qingxin, but most of it is absorbed by the blind right eye. Only a small part is The legs are slowly absorbed.

It seems that the right eye absorbs the virus mutation at the beginning, and it belongs to the awakening rank. Therefore, the energy of the nucleus is effective for it, and the left eye of the eye that is practiced by the pure heart is not sensitive to the nucleus energy.

In the same way, the water polo ability he has developed is not able to improve the energy of the nucleus.

This unexpected discovery made Xiao Ziling fall into ecstasy. This proves that his right eye and legs are hopeful, especially in the right eye. Now you can absorb the nucleus energy in large quantities.

Does it mean that there is no recovery time? How long is it in imagination?

Xiao Ziling was excited when he thought of it. He saw that there is hope that he will still be able to live with it.

He directly held two crystal nucleus and continued to meditate on the cultivation of Qingxin, so that the right eye can absorb the nucleus energy as much as possible.

While Ziling at is trying to absorb the energy of the nucleus and expects the right eye to recover soon. At that time, Chu Yutian had already led the team to the logistics distribution center. Although the surrounding zombies were cleaned up, Chu Haotian did not enter the interior because there were several unsolicited guests in front of him. .

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