20. she is a miracle

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Oscar POV

"Dad, what the hell was that?" I ask him angrily

"Exactly son what the hell is that? Did you even think before choosing your life partner? Did you see how thin and ugly she is? She probably is one of the whores who starves herself, anyway the reason I was going to get you was to inform you that you will be getting married to Brittany..."

"NO WAY, dad, she is the whore who starver herself not Rose, don't you see the amount of makeup she put or don't you see the hickeys on her whenever she is in our house for her fathers and your business dinners" I shout at him

"Look I know she is not a virgin but by doing this you will increase your business more as we can collaborate with her father's company," he said making me mad

"Dad I am not just marrying that bitch for some company if you want you can take the whole company out of my hands but listen to me dad I am not marrying anyone but her!" I Say "I am going to the garden to take her away from here" I add and was about to go but I gear my father shout


"did you just say your bitch is in? you know your mother will be there too" he shouts

"one she is Rose and two I forgot let's go," I said as my and I started to race towards the garden but soon stop as we saw what was in front of us

"....yet are standing strong, reminding me of how awful It was to push my loved ones away when it was the hardest time, you made me speak which I haven't done in years and by raising this child with you, I think I would not have anything else to regret," mom said and hugged rose

Then she sat on her chair and Rose took her place near her feet laying her head on moms lap as she creased her hair I didn't even know when she was asleep

"did your mom just speak?" dad asked with a tear and I nod without making any sound

Then I slowly went to her and mom

She smiled looking at me and dad

I missed that smile a lot

"it's good to see you smile again mom I missed you," I say hugging her from the side making sure not to wake Rose up

"I know and I am sorry I pushed you away," she said crying as I heard ad come behind me

"its ok love you are back now that's all matters," he said kissing mom's cheek

"I am" mom smiled looking at Rose sleeping with her head on my mom's lap "don't mess it up son, she is precious and I don't want you to hurt her," she says

"I won't mom I promise" I smile

"what caused you to change in such a short time?" dad asked mom

"she is a miracle," mom said and as soon as she said that Rose started to whimper in her sleep "no.. not my baby.... Em... Noah...no" she was whispering

"shush it's just a dream calm down baby girl, I am here, Noah and Emma are safe" I say softly hugging her as she stilled in my arms falling back to sleep

I picked her up bridal style and said "mom dad I am going to put her in my room"

After laying her on my bed I cover her with the comforter and go downstairs

As I enter the dining hall I saw the sight which made me tear up in happiness

It was my mom cooking with her neon blue apron which she loved

"so did you like that girl?" dad asked mom

"she is wonderful, I am so happy that our son found her" mom replied flipping the pancake

"I think we have a problem, the thing is I already fixed his marriage with Brittany as you know her father can help me expand my business..." dad was about o continue when mom interrupted him

"our son will either marry Rose or stay single for the rest of his life and now that she is pregnant she needs him more" mom said making me smile

"she is pregnant? She is pregnant with some man and wants to marry my son? She is after his money...."

"one more word against Rose and you can sign the divorce papers, if I am standing right now and having a proper conversation with you it is because of her, if she did not come to me in the garden I would probly be sitting in the garden right now instead od cooking and talking" she shouts at my dad "and Rose is raising my grand child the baby of my Oscar" she said and turned the stove off

Of course her child is my child no matter what

"hey mom, hey dad" I say and sit in the chair

"look dad I know you don't like Rose but she is a sweet heart and the proof is right in front of us as mom, what more do you want?" I ask

"I am sorry son" he says and walks out of the room


"you are awake?" I say as I see Rose waking up

"Where am i?" she asks

"you my baby girl are in my room and you look sexy" I wink towards her pointing at her shirt which was ridden up because of the position she slept in

"you pervert" she threw a pillow at me adjusting her top

"you spoke to my mom" I say and hug her sitting on bed beside her

She nods

"she hasn't spoke in years" I say tears in my eyes

"thank you Rose I love you" I say and she freezes

I was scared

What if she doesn't say it back, what if...

"I love you too" she says and hugs me tighter

"I am glad I found you" I say and peck her lips making her smile

"let's get down mom made dinner after a long time" and she nods

"Hi Mr. knight, miss. Knight" she greets mom and dad as we enter the dinning hall

"Call me jess dear" mom said with a smile and she nods her head

Throughout the dinner dad did not spoke up a word but mom and rose were enjoying themselves

"I should get going as Emma will be back from her contest and I know she wants me to be the first to talk about her day" rose says

"Oh, dear tell her hi from me and go I know you miss her and be careful with the baby" mom said making her nod and we all walked her to the door

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